800K Years Ago – IOTW Report

800K Years Ago

Patriot Retort:

Say, did you know the last time CO2 levels were this high was 800K years ago?

That’s quite a stat, ain’t it?

And it must be true because ABC News says so.

So 800K years ago carbon dioxide was just as high as it was in 2018.

I wonder what Caveman Climate Scientist gathered all that information.  How did they measure CO2 levels during the Paleolithic era? Anyone know?

Now, assuming they are correct about the CO2 levels 800K years ago, what this says to me is that our Climate has always been changing and the Earth has the uncanny ability to self-correct.

Of course to the Climate Cult hysterics, our reaching the same CO2 levels in 2018 means that we’re DOOMED!  DOOMED I TELL YOU!!!

19 Comments on 800K Years Ago

  1. They measure CO2 levels of long ago by coring into Arctic Ice. But yeah…..the science behind “man-made” climate change is garbage. There were two papers from different scientific schools recently saying that galactic cosmic rays is a mover of changes to our climate……they are finding out new info ALL THE TIME. To say the science is settled,,…is un-scientific.

    Here’s a link to one of the papers:


  2. “Now, assuming they are correct about the CO2 levels 800K years ago, what this says to me is that our Climate has always been changing and the Earth has the uncanny ability to self-correct.”

    You tell that to a lib nowadays and they look at you like your a loon. You ask them to explain how we went to several Ice Ages and back without fossil fuels and man to melt the ice. The standard retorts are A) that I have no idea what I am talking about or B) the issue is too complex to talk about right now.

  3. That’s kind of weird, since the “Penultimate Glacial Period” was 200k years ago.
    And the “Last Glacial Maximum” ended 30k years ago.

    So … what’s the point? What are they claiming? That CO2 has absolutely NOTHING to do with the Climate Change Hoax?
    Somebody let the cat out of the bag?

    Or is the assumption that the media and Academia have too much invested in “The Hoax” to speak up?

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. “I wonder what Caveman Climate Scientist gathered all that information. How did they measure CO2 levels during the Paleolithic era?”

    Not the bottom line questions!

    We need to know the secret of how they reduced the carbon so well!

    Bonus question :

    How did all this happen 794,000 years before the universe was created?

  5. Look how far we have come in 800K years. Some ice ages, dinosaurs from about 150 million years ago to the last ones 215 million year. Cave men, insurance, man, industrial revolution, flight, really cool vacation spots.
    I think we are on the right track.

    My favorite invention, the wheel.

  6. On This Day – June 11 : The Scottish chemist Joseph Black discovered carbon dioxide on this day in 1754. Black noticed that upon heating, calcium carbonate (CaCO 3 ) produced a gas that was denser than air and could not sustain fire or animal life.
    So it’s only been known to exist a little over 300 years, so who measured it, and with what, thousands of years ago, dolt?
    Once again proving her eyes are brown because she’s full of shit.

  7. But, butt, AlGore told us that the North Pole would be ice free years ago. Are we to trust “old” ice cores in college labs more than DNA evidence in the FBI lab? Go watch some Tony Heller videos on YouTube and become enlightened.


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