83% of Hispanics Want Sanctuary Cities to Obey the Federal Law – IOTW Report

83% of Hispanics Want Sanctuary Cities to Obey the Federal Law

NTK: The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) released a new poll on Tuesday that was conducted in 11 swing states and found overwhelming support among Americans for President Trump’s policies regarding sanctuary cities.

The poll, which was conducted by Zogby Analytics, found that “77 percent of voters in the 11 states want the Senate to pass the No Sanctuary for Criminals Act.”

The 11 states that were polled include Florida, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.  MORE

6 Comments on 83% of Hispanics Want Sanctuary Cities to Obey the Federal Law

  1. Yeah, I think that should be more than a simple confirmation that the majority of Americans ARE NOT being represented by the loud mouth ‘Anti-Americans’ that continuously degrade this country’s ideology, wishes, inspirations and convictions.

  2. Like every lawfare scam that’s been publicized, the profiteers first response is “We are obeying the law.” This is followed by “We can better self-regulate than be regulated.” (though we are already following the law), accompanied by breakin’ off a lil’ more sumpin’ sumpin’ to government bagmen (not corruption, like that bad Rostenkowki guy). If the industry is wildly profitable, this is followed by a rash of squirrel swarmings. If the industry is already looted out, a tragic series of “hostile atmosphere” shut downs leaves chumps and schmucks, I mean vendors and employees, holding the more than empty bags.

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