84 Year Old Indian Woman Is An Incredible Sharpshooter – IOTW Report

84 Year Old Indian Woman Is An Incredible Sharpshooter

Via Daily Caller: Chandro Tomar took up target shooting at age 65. Now, nearly two decades later, she has a wall of medals and instructs other women in pistol shooting, especially young shooters.

That’s Call-Center Indian, not Feather Indian 😉


Watch her in action

12 Comments on 84 Year Old Indian Woman Is An Incredible Sharpshooter

  1. Love it.

    My oldest grandson did a little shaming of his college shooting teammates and friends on snapchat. Several of us went to the indoor range and I was trying out a SS P 938 at 22 feet.

    Unbeknown to me, he photographed me from behind while I was shooting, and also captured the target. His comment on snapchat was “she’s 70 and doing head shots, what’s your problem?” Fortunately daughter dearest grabbed a screen shot of it. Knowing them, they will probably display it at my wake someday. 🙂 Kinda made me think he thought it was cool.

  2. This is a great video. Now the progtards will think it’s cool because 1) a woman, 2)an old woman, 3) “exotic” old woman from 4) India. It’s the “America bad, everyone else good” thing.

  3. Now when ‘Microsoft’ calls, the only problem with my computer is I can’t hit the gosh darn 1.5mm 35816 micro controller from 50 yards on the first try.

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