85% Vaccinated Singapore is getting hammered by Covid – IOTW Report

85% Vaccinated Singapore is getting hammered by Covid

Singapore flattened the curve on the wrong axis

13 Comments on 85% Vaccinated Singapore is getting hammered by Covid

  1. Case counts don’t matter anymore, except when they are used to justify restrictions. When presented with exploding case counts, and the population has already been clamped down, masked, and jabbed, covidiots proclaim, “But there’s no deaths, muh vax works,” ignoring their own logic for lockdowns, masks, distancing, plexiglass, and sanitizer since many survivors allegedly “never fully recover.”

  2. Have you been to Singapore? They’ll cane you for just about anything. Cleanest streets ever. Not surprised at all if they intimidated the population to take the jab.

    Word to the wise: If you’re on a navy port visit in Singapore, DFIU…or the ship will be leaving you behind.


  3. Fritz, I have been to Singapore for business and had a great time.
    There was a party area, Orange Street? Pretty wild nights.
    Even though they have a reputation of strictness, I never felt the place was even remotely authoritarian.
    If they took the Chinese vax, it might as well just been saline.

  4. I went to Singapore in 1974 when the Kitty Hawk made a port call there. I also probably had the best steak I’ve ever ate in my life at a restaurant there, it was probably water buffalo but it was fantastic. And while staying at a hotel on shore leave was able to take a real bath and relax for a day or two.


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