9/11 Firefighter, whose son was murdered on day of attacks, slams Ilhan Omar – IOTW Report

9/11 Firefighter, whose son was murdered on day of attacks, slams Ilhan Omar

DC: NEW YORK CITY — Retired FDNY firefighter Jim Riches, whose son Jimmy was murdered on 9/11, blasted Minnesota Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar Tuesday night for explaining the attack as “some people did something.” He demanded an apology from the Democratic congresswoman while panning New York Democrats for defending her.

“My son Jimmy was murdered by Islamic terrorists. Three thousand people were murdered that day. And Rep. Ilhan Omar said some people did something. That’s ridiculous. It’s outrageous. It’s a disgrace. She’s in the Congress of the United States,” Riches said at the New York State Republican Party dinner at the Grand Hyatt. “My son and those 3000 people died a terrible death.”

A video of Omar at a function hosted by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) from roughly a month ago surfaced last week.“For far too long we have lived with the discomfort of being a second-class citizen and, frankly, I’m tired of it, and every single Muslim in this country should be tired of it,” she said at the event.  more here

19 Comments on 9/11 Firefighter, whose son was murdered on day of attacks, slams Ilhan Omar

  1. You don’t have to be a NYC Firefighter to condemn this whore. I had three close friends who died there, and many other workmates whose names I did not know, but can be found on Google. I’ll never forget Maurice Kelly, John Rizzo, and Charlie Mills. Nor will I ever forget 9/11/01.
    “Someone did something.” My God! And the Democrat
    (Commocrat) Party backs her up?
    Someone did something in Paris last Monday, but it was an “accident.”
    Ah, but the Mueller Report on Collusion is going to sink the greatest President we’ve had in years.
    It’s coming out tomorrow. But Chris Matthews and the rest of the Fake Mudderfukers are working on it.
    Hey Mr. President, we love you. Keep up the great work.

  2. I agree. “Someone did something” should be a rallying cry.
    Tee shirts, Bumper stickers, etc. with “Never Forget 9/11/01.”
    Joe 6Pac should get on it right away.
    Someone did Something
    Vote Trump to save our country.

  3. It doesn’t matter if you knew someone that died, it doesn’t matter where in this country you lived, you remember where you were that day, you remember the shock, you remember the rumors all across this country that attacks were going to happen everywhere.
    This wasn’t people doing something somewhere, it wasn’t even people doing something in New York or people doing something to friends or family, it was a terrorist attack on our country, an act of war against us all.

    Any true American would condemn this bitch and frankly any true American would agree that bitches like her should never have been allowed in this country and certainly never allowed in Congress.

  4. President Donald Trump is not only chums with the culprits, he is C-I-C of those culprits, too. 9/11 was a multi-contrived, complex treasonous attack that required a network of technology and military experts to carry off. That is why it succeeded. To not do research is to be afraid of finding out disturbing truth.

    Israeli spying in the USA: Suppressed four-part Fox News series with Carl Cameron
    byFox News
    Of note in this video (all four segments contained in one video):
    1. A highly placed US investigator states, “evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It’s classified information.” This statement suggests that such evidence must exist, since there would be no need for classification if nothing had been found.


  5. If she does not like it how people perceive her she can always leave which would make us very happy. She will not be missed. Her and 2 others should never have been allowed into Congress.

  6. @ Joe6. I’m back at my ancestral home now and have a couple candidates in mind for your signs that you sent. I cant use them because my wife would blow her top. She teaches at a Christian school and she would kill me if i used those signs. But i will put them to use.


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