9/11 Flight 93 Memorial Honors 40 American Heroes – IOTW Report

9/11 Flight 93 Memorial Honors 40 American Heroes



An abandoned field once mined for surface coal in rural Shanksville, Pennsylvania, is now sacred ground where 40 men and women perished on September 11, 2001. The passengers aboard Flight 93 fought hijackers and forced the plane away from its suspected intended crash into the U.S. Capitol.

Now, for the 17th anniversary of the terror attack by radical Islamists that hijacked four planes in all — two taking down the Twin Towers in New York City and another plunging into the Pentagon in Washington, DC — a new memorial to the heroes aboard Flight 93 is being dedicated.

President Donald Trump will speak at the memorial on Tuesday, and visitors will be able to view the monument, which includes a 92-foot-high “Tower of Voices” with 40 different musical tones to represent each individual aboard the plane that fateful day.

Voice of America (VOA) reported on Flight 93 and the newly completed memorial:

The plane took off with 37 passengers — including the four hijackers — as well as seven crew members. As it flew west toward Cleveland, Ohio, the hijackers broke into the cockpit and injured the pilot and first officer. An air traffic controller in Cleveland heard the shouts.

The hijackers had gained control of the plane. They tried to announce to the passengers that there was a bomb on the plane and that they were returning to the airport. But they mistakenly made that announcement to the air traffic control center instead.

The plane then turned around in the skies over Cleveland. Investigators later found evidence that the plane was going toward Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.

The hijackers forced the crew and passengers to the back of the plane where they called loved ones, learned about the other plane highjackings, said their goodbyes, and came up with the plan to fight back.  more here

10 Comments on 9/11 Flight 93 Memorial Honors 40 American Heroes

  1. When I was in Afghanistan the Beardies would emerge from minarets to spew their religious venom. As for the rest, the whole damn place is PC, un-American, and not worth what the effetes deem to be a confluence of sensitive and appropriate cross-culturalism.

  2. “…the Beardies would emerge from minarets to spew their religious venom…”

    Yes. Their towers of voices. If I were to design a secular, public memorial to the victims, I would avoid any overt religious symbolism, and I certainly would not attempt to conceal a memorial to the perpetrators within the memorial.

  3. Fuck Islam and double fuck any “Americans” that respect the ideology of those barbarian goat-fuckers.

    Western Civilization surpassed them 1000 years ago. If anyone prefers to live their way, trade places with a refugee from Kabul, Mogadishu, or Cairo.


    The very brave Michell ran an all out campaign agains the “ROP” memorial. She was attacked by the GOP left: Bush, Johnny, Lindsey..et. al. as being a xenophobic, white supremacist! But she took their liberal smears and fought to VICTORY. Much to GWB’s anger and grief there is no ROP memorial! Only American patriots!

  5. The Country rallied behind Bush when he said “they’ll hear from us”, and there was a long overdue and positive surge in Americanism. PC virtually disappeared until our Minders clenched their fists.
    The problem with W was that he never defended himself, and he compromised. The Memorial is a compromise, (I did not remember the play made by the Religion of Peace).
    Some things in life really are black and white. If my friend had turned to his left and not his right he simply would have been compromised by that bullet instead of killed; but a wound is still a wound. The hidden things built in that field compromise our fellow Americans, and there is no need for an apology, especially to the ROP, but I will cede the fact that the Patriots who died there are well remembered by it.

  6. “The problem with W was that he never defended himself,”

    I assume your talking about from Obama? Did you see the Kenyans and the Bushes at McShitstains funeral? They’re all having sex together. On plastic sheets with Crisco oil.


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