9/11: Footage from inside the Twin Towers – IOTW Report

9/11: Footage from inside the Twin Towers

Geller Report: 17 years ago at 8:45 am, the first plane hit the World Center Tower. The 19 Muslim terrorists left behind ‘martyrdom’ letters hailing Allah over 90 times. But if YOU mention Allah when discussing 9/11 (or any Islamic terror attack) you will be publicly shamed, smeared, defamed and ultimately targeted for death.

2997 souls perished in the cause of jihad and yet in all the coverage you read today, that will never be mentioned.

9/11 is a 2002 French-American documentary film about the September 11 attacks in New York City.

Filmmakers James Hanlon and the Naudet brothers were originally filming Tony Benetatos, a probationary firefighter of the New York City Fire Department assigned to the Engine 7/Ladder 1/Battalion 1 Firehouse on Duane Street in Lower Manhattan with the intention of making a film about the “probie’s” first experience as a firefighter. On the morning of September 11, the firehouse, under the direction of Battalion Chief Joseph Pfeifer, was called out on a reported “odor of gas” at Church and Lispenard Streets. Jules rode with Pfeifer to investigate, while Gedeon stayed behind at the firehouse with the “probie.”


As the Battalion 1 firefighters examine the supposed gas leak, American Airlines Flight 11 flew overhead. Turning the camera to follow the plane, Jules taped one of only three known recordings of the first plane hitting the North Tower (Tower 1) of the World Trade Center, the others being a video shot by Pavel Hlava and a sequence of still frames taken by Wolfgang Staehle.

The firefighters, under the direction of Chief Pfeifer, were the first responders on the scene, and Jules was allowed to follow the chief during the attempted rescue operation. Jules, Chief Pfeifer and several other FDNY Chiefs were inside the lobby of Tower 1 when Tower 2 was hit by the second aircraft and when Tower 2 eventually collapsed (Gédéon, meanwhile, is back at the firehouse, filming the reactions of Tony Benetatos and the rest of the firefighters from the next shift as they try to deal with the disaster).

They refused to film the dying. MORE

8 Comments on 9/11: Footage from inside the Twin Towers

  1. Rush reminds that five masterminds of the attack have never been brought to trial. The government keeps making legalistic excuses for not trying them, but after watching Mueller panic after one of his indicted Russians demanded a trial, I’m more inclined to believe the government is terrified that the discovery process would reveal what they covered up with the 9/11 Commission Report.

  2. Shave their beards. Shoot them in the face. Sew their remains in a pig carcass and bury them in a manure pond.

    We’re all fine, law abiding people but a message should be sent.

    The people who claim no other country is better than any other and there is no such thing as American Exceptionalism are suddenly filled with a righteous “we’re better than them” by treating them with dignity, an attorney and 15 years of religiously sensitive meals and foosball.

  3. I watch this documentary every year, as well as the movie about Flight 93. There’s another one about all the boats on the river ferrying people away from the city–ferries, fishing boats, tour boats. Everyone in the area did what they could. I will never forget. Fuck islam and the leftists who embrace it.


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