9/11 Might as Well Have Been a Thousand Years Ago – IOTW Report

9/11 Might as Well Have Been a Thousand Years Ago

PJM: On Wednesday, 9/11, Old Joe Biden was “doing 9/11” in New York City. Kamala Harris and Donald Trump were there as well, along with Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-Sinister) and former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg (D-Has Been). In a show of bipartisan generosity that is unusual in these overheated days, Biden, Harris and Schumer didn’t have Trump clapped into irons and led away to Rikers Island.

The assembled dignitaries, however, could just as well have been commemorating a long-forgotten Civil War battle. The whole thing had the feel of an important civic occasion that no one really wants to attend but everyone thinks he has to do so. The September 11, 2001 jihad attacks are part of our history now, but they are not part of our present-day reality. If someone said that Islamic terrorism was a genuine threat to the United States today, Barack Obama or someone like him might respond: “The early 2000s called. They want their foreign policy back.”

It’s a fine quip. In real life, Obama used it against Mitt Romney in 2012, when Romney said that Russia posed a major threat to the United States. Obama’s flippancy regarding Russia, however, looks quaint today, and it’s likely that seeing the jihad threat as a thing of the past is going to look quaint before too long as well.  more

11 Comments on 9/11 Might as Well Have Been a Thousand Years Ago

  1. It’s because terrorism and RussiaRussiaRussia were never really the threats that our politicians pretended them to be.

    The real enemy of the American People, was and is, the American Government.

    Russia is a perpetual bedtime story boogieman and terrorism is the scapegoat for who really perpetrated 911 and used it to blow a trillion dollars in remote goat countries.

  2. …I notice iOTW got low-key too. Previous years it was multiple threads; this year, two, and low-key ones at that.

    It is the doom of men that they forget.

    And so the devil can repeat when the past is forgotten.

  3. …but forgetting is a political act in this nation, too.

    We are to forget this because we dare not make Muslims feel bad that “some people did something”, and its not “fair” to hold them all accountable for what a few people did 20 years ago.

    And yet we are reminded every day in every way that White Americans MUST be held accountable for the acts of a few 160 years ago, even to the point of justifying murder.

    Forgetting is a political process.

    And so acts that started wars that are still being fought against US whether we admit it or not, will be minimized until they are no more, unlesx the enemy completely defeats us; then they will be celebrated as heroic victories.

    Have we forgotten?

    Of course.

    Weve been ordered to.

  4. SNS, Read your comments from yesterday re Chaplains and in particular Franciscan priest Father Mychal Judge, who was the first noted victim of the terrorist attacks at the WTC on 9/11. His “home base” was at St. Francis of Assisi in midtown Manhattan and diagonally across the street from a Firehouse – always easy accessible for troubled souls . His “uniform” was a brown robe and the church itself is only a block away from Penn Station which is below Madison Square Garden, home of the NY Rangers hockey team (actually won a Stanley Cup , albeit 30 years ago) and NY Knicks basketball. Just a few blocks away from Macy’s. St. Francis’ church has 2 sections of an upper and lower Church and features confessions almost all day for those who need forgiveness os sins . There’s another Franciscan Church down the block and around the corner of St. Francis where the Friars and Priests wear a gray (Capuchin) robe . The church is St. John the Baptist.
    I know that you’ll remember how you comforted me on another thread where I mentioned my new widowhood and am happy to share with you that my Dearest sorely missed Husband was a secular (Third Order) Franciscan whose “home away from home Church” was St.John the Baptist. My late Great Husband actually “Walked the Walk” . Pax Et Bonum !!!

  5. So long as Cheney, Bush, Rumsfeld, the CIA, Mossad, and all the other Deep State players that orchestrated that event are still walking around free, the threat of domestic terrorism has not gone away. Since nobody is willing to be honest about what ACTUALLY happened, and who was ACTUALLY responsible, most Americans simply do not care. If they understood that the same forces that killed JFK, RFK, MLK, attempted to assassinate Reagan, Trump, rigged the 2020, 2022, and likely numerous elections previous, are all around us, still in power, and CANNOT be removed through the election process or the courts, things might be different. But denial remains the prevalent course of action.

  6. Geni
    Thursday, 12 September 2024, 11:07 at 11:07 am

    …I do recall, that I was initially confused that he was a firefighter because you said he was friends with many.

    Perhaps I was not so far off base as I thought I was with that, for men like Mychal Judge and your husband fought the flames of hell, and won.

    I know you feel his loss still, but you need not mourn him. He is truly in a better place, and he will welcome you back to his side in your time. Celebrate his life by thanking the Lord for the souls he helped to find Him, and that you found each other and were blessed with a togetherness that only you could share.

    Life is temporary.

    Love is eternal.

    For love is of the Lord.

    God Bless,


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