9 Month JAIL sentence for Facebook Post in Sharia Compliant Germany – IOTW Report

9 Month JAIL sentence for Facebook Post in Sharia Compliant Germany

Sharia Germany otherwise known as Merkelistan.

Speaking of Facebook, they all but blocked the Geller Report.


4 Comments on 9 Month JAIL sentence for Facebook Post in Sharia Compliant Germany

  1. The thought police are alive and well, in fact they are flourishing where ever left wing lunatics and creeping religion of peace and other identity politics are played.

    This kind of news sadly no longer surprises us, it only strengthens the noose around our necks.

    Wake up world and smell the hummus.

  2. How many times have we heard that Merkel is in political trouble, she’s going to be voted out etc etc, yet the yellow hag still remains.
    The idiots in Europe are already dead it’s just that nobody has explained it to them yet in terms they can understand.

  3. Well, Germany’s been known to kill people for their opinions – so I guess jail is sorta better?

    Germans always have been a little slow to wake up to their adversities.
    They need to drag this bitch (and all her sycophants) out and hang her.
    Then hang all the filthy ragheads.

    Germany for Germans!
    Deutschland uber Alles!

    izlamo delenda est …


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