9 out of 10 Empty Folding Chairs choose Hillary! – IOTW Report

9 out of 10 Empty Folding Chairs choose Hillary!

PatriotRetort: It’s really hard to find a whole lot of coverage for the Clinton/Kaine Bus Tour over the weekend. I imagine reporters couldn’t figure out a way to make empty folding chairs look sexy.

If you need any proof that Hillary’s supposed “post-convention bounce” in the polls is concocted, look no further than the sea of empty folding chairs that turned out to see her.

You would think a Presidential candidate storming into your town would generate asses in those seats — if for no other reason than lookie-loos want to see what that crooked, felonious hag looks like up close and personal.

In a church in Cleveland, Hillary put on her fake Southern Baptist accent for about a hundred people.

10 Comments on 9 out of 10 Empty Folding Chairs choose Hillary!

  1. I heard Trump complaining yesterday that access to one of his rallies had been limited to 1,000 people, even though the venue was more than twice that size. If that is true, expect the MSM to show pictures of those empty seats, rather than Hillary’s empty seats. The Narrative must be serviced.

  2. I’m listening to Pence in AZ right now and he’s got a huge crowd! And until just a few weeks ago, there were quite a few who didn’t know who he was. Trump continues to pack ’em in, except when the D mayor and D fire marshal conspire to cheat him out of his crowds.

  3. Richmond Times Dispatch reported that Timmy drew 2500 on the south side of hometown Richmond the other night.

    Not sure if I believe it and even if true. Timmy is a senator here. Was a governor, was a mayor. He should have drawn three times that.

    I guess people aren’t drawn to circus freak shows as they once were.

    Step right up ladies and germs. See Fat Timmy and his Amazing Eyebrow! He can make one go up. He can make both go up. He can furrow. You’ll never cease to amaze at the incredible Timmy and his dancing eyebrows.

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