9 Year Old Boy swims to Alcatraz and back – IOTW Report

9 Year Old Boy swims to Alcatraz and back

SAN FRANCISCO (KGPE/KSEE/CNN) – A boy, 9, faced cold water, big waves and strong currents to swim from San Francisco to Alcatraz Island, and then back again.

It took James Savage a little more than two hours to make the three-mile swim Tuesday.

He did it in part because his dad offered him $100.  MORE


18 Comments on 9 Year Old Boy swims to Alcatraz and back

  1. I used to open water swim a lot when I sailed in the Carib. It’s a lot different then swimming laps.

    I think it’s pretty cool. Good for both the dad and him. When you see so many fat little kids addicted to their playstations or walking into manholes looking at their phones, accomplishing something like this so young can’t be anything but positive.

    A 180 from very stupid.

  2. If true it is very impressive.
    I have watched many shows where this is attempted.
    Of course they are replicating the Morris escape from Alcatraz.

    Something doesn’t smell right though?
    Typical crap reporting short of facts and details.

    If he did this unassisted, they chose the optimum current and wave conditions.

  3. He had a wet suit on Loco, something that Morris certainly didn’t. It would make a huge difference. It’s not the distance, it’s the temperature of the water. A 5 mile, open water swim by a 9 year old, even in optimal conditions is impressive.

  4. The kid swam with an adult trainer, there was support nearby all the way.
    Granted the water was warmer, but growing up in San Diego a 2 hour swim in the ocean was no big deal.

  5. Jumper, one is more likely to be struck by lighting while swimming in the SF bay than attacked by a shark.
    On nice days, the bay is full of recreational swimmers, windsurfers, boaters, you name it.

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