90% of BLM & ANTIFA Rioters are Paid by Crowds on Demand – IOTW Report

90% of BLM & ANTIFA Rioters are Paid by Crowds on Demand

Freedom Outpost-
From AUGUST 23, 2017:

[h/t Cmn¢¢guy and Jimmy]

On the surface, it looks like BLM and ANTIFA have literally hundreds of thousands of members across the United States and more than a million strong when you count all those who participate in rioting internationally.

These numbers are as misleading as the purpose of the civil unrest and riots perpetrated by these two organizations who have proven themselves to be nothing more than terrorist organizations since the Ferguson Riots.

Many locals in cities across the US are confused at the amount of people who show up in violent demonstrations protesting anything from Confederate Monuments, local police, the President, etc. since it is known in these areas that most support the opposite of what these crowds are there to protest.

What is really happening here is most people really do not want what BLM and ANTIFA rioters are protesting for. A great example of this was the violence at most Donald Trump rallies during both the primaries and after he was elected. more here

18 Comments on 90% of BLM & ANTIFA Rioters are Paid by Crowds on Demand

  1. Job requirements: Yelling, screaming, swearing (expertise at saying “Fuck ______” (everything). window breaking, CS gas canister and rock/brick throwing, lighting fires, verbal assaulting of officers and bystanders, car challenging (be prepared to get bumped and tossed), use of baseball bats and sticks, dorky helmet wearing, foul mouth, dirty shorts, runny nose, scrawny or no balls, missing penis, dirty hair, pimples, short temper, delicate hands, snarly facial expressions, ugly face, stupid clothes and no brain.

  2. Seems simple enough. UNIONIZE the rioters. Seriously. Once you start organizing….general strike. Then it’s union against scab protesters.

    Proud agent of Chaos. What of it.

  3. There’s power in numbers. They’re decrying fascistic treatment by federal agents protecting Fed property in Portland. Little do they realize the feds are merely constraining them.

    It’s power they desire. Wait till they meet the well armed citizenry.

  4. The doj would be going apeshit if it was right wing crowds being paid to riot. They’d find out in a ny minute who was paying them and then they’d haul them into court on a charge, even if they had to make up a charge. And everyone knows it.

    So where the f is bill barr? Is he going to make a speech? Is he going to wait until it’s all over and then bring a charge?

    Republicans are not going to save a single one of us from jack shit.

  5. Hello… calling Mr. Barr….hello….is anyone there?

    This POS loser has turned out to be worse than sessions ever was.

    He loves to go on talk shows and spew nothingburgers out of his liehole but when it comes to doing his JOB of cleaning out the DOJ of anti-americans, prosecuting the coup plotters, or halting the pre-planned and internationally supported nationwide riots, he is nowhere to be found and once he does surface he does absolutely NOTHING about this open insurrection or the covert war being funded by people and countries that hate the USA.

    Get rid of Barr already and replace him with someone like Ted Nugent.

  6. The people behind the curtain want their power back so bad, they are willing to burn down the economy, burn down towns, and cities. They could give a shit who dies, because you are nothing more than livestock, put on this earth to do their bidding,to send them money, as they sit in yon high castle.
    Trump stands alone, clearing the swamp. It has to be difficult to listen to the media, slam everything he does, everything he’s done, everything his family and cabinet has done.
    The first President ever, at least in the last 30 years, to put America and the American people first.
    It will only get worse from here.
    98 days.

  7. Maybe its time to FREEZE their assets and issue Subversive/Treason criminal charges for Board Members and any Donors of “Crowds on Demand”. They are the ring leaders (Co-conspirators) for 10’s of 1000’s of Physical Assaults, 100’s of major arson’s, 50+ Murders and shootings, over $5 billion in riot, looting and related lost business damages. It should cost them everything and get them a life sentence if not a conviction for Treason and a public execution.

  8. It makes you wonder if those in the DOJ want these riots to continue. They could easily freeze the money flow and arrest those dispersing the funds. They’re aware of this information and yet do nothing, this doesn’t strike me as an oversight.

  9. They should go after them the same way they went after the mob in the 1980s. These are organized crime groups that are coordinating and working together to terrorize society. They no doubt have all kinds of RICO type offenses going on with funding, wiring, are they even appropriately sending out 1099s to their participants, training their militant members, advocating crimes of violence, supplying illegal weapons in the cities they target, and so forth. Classifying them as terrorist organizations and going after needs to be a priority. Meanwhile they claim these are far right organizations – why not embrace your own mayhem. Sadly some idiot democrats are going to believe that if it isn’t rectified. I work with some morons and they parrot that kind of crap in response to Portland.

  10. RICO now. Somebody buys the pallets of bricks, somebody trucks them into the cities. Somebody charters the buses, somebody rents the vans, somebody plans the attacks.

    And somebody else lays off all the city wage earners to idle their hands, somebody else covers their rent, somebody else doles them a pittance, somebody else schooled them in Marxism since they were children.

    I reckon the problem is that somebody else is who should be bringing somebody to heel, and it’s a conflict of interest.

    Robert Creamer should be in jail, instead of living the the good life with his Chicago Democrat Congresswoman wife and reminiscing about his hundreds of visits to the Obama White House. Adam Swart should likewise be a few years into his life sentence. God knows what Democrat crime family he’s married into.

    And while we are mesmerized by the left hand of Soros pushing the street pawns, maybe we should be looking at the other left hand of the Chicoms to see what Confucian confusion they’re peddling on campus.


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