90% of Egyptian Women Suffer From Female Genital Cutting Despite Ban. – IOTW Report

90% of Egyptian Women Suffer From Female Genital Cutting Despite Ban.

africa fgm

MFS: The 2015 Egypt Health Issues Survey (EHIS) has found that around 9 in 10 women aged 15-49 have undergone female genital cutting (also known as female genital mutilation) despite a government ban on the practice.

The report is the second time ever a survey has recorded the prevalence of FGM among all Egyptian women aged 15-49. Previous studies focused on the prevalence of the custom among women who had been married or who are married.
*FGM, which the 2015 EHIS says have been a tradition in Egypt since the Pharaonic period, remains widespread across Egypt but is expected to decline. For example, seven in 10 women aged 15-19 have been circumcised compared to eight in 10 women aged 20-24. However, for women between the ages of 25-49, the percentage of women who have been circumcised ranges from 89 to 97 percent.  read more

8 Comments on 90% of Egyptian Women Suffer From Female Genital Cutting Despite Ban.

  1. Considering the similarities in anatomy, cutting (off) a woman’s clitoris is similar to cutting (off) a man’s penis (even though we’re talking about muzzie men, I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt about having penises).
    SOoooo. . . let’s try a little experiment. Let’s make it a part of Western culture, to cut off and cauterize a muzzie male’s penis, and see how long the practice of FGM lasts. After all, millions of sheep should be relieved, and the men can still pee.
    As a side benefit, it should quickly reduce the Islamic population (with all the benefits).

  2. Ahhh. .. forgot to add. . . Asian Indians used to have a practice, as part of their “culture”, of burning a deceased man’s wife on the same funeral pyre as that of her deceased husband. The British quickly put an end to that practice by hanging all the Indians involved, and kept hanging them until the cultural practice was stopped.

  3. It’s not from the koran, it’s from the sexual insecurities of moslem males. They are all raised with a pecker in their corn hole, so they are “screwed” right from the start.

    I don’t think moslems know the meaning of the word “ban” anyway. ??

  4. Imagine if this was a practice of antebellum men in the South. To this day, white men across this country would be paying a double whammy-slavery and FGM.

    But the fact it’s just one of the many disgusting & murderous practices from REgressives’ new best buds merits silence. If they remain quiet when women are buried up to their backs and chunks of concrete are hurled into their faces because they had the temerity to get raped or when homos are tied to chairs and pushed off of high buildings, a little FGM ain’t a thang.

    REgressives are a fucking sick bunch, no doubt about it.

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