911 Call Goes Unanswered for 90 Minutes in Portland as Boy is Held Hostage With Knife – IOTW Report

911 Call Goes Unanswered for 90 Minutes in Portland as Boy is Held Hostage With Knife


Over the last week alone, there have been countless stories written about Portland and the lawless frontier it has become. Riots and looting rage on as Democrats do nothing more than blame the president and ask for more money, and don’t dare offer to help them restore law and order to American cities. But is it as bad as reports are making it out to be? Are placing like Portland and Minneapolis too far gone to be saved?

Portland citizen Henry Kirim didn’t think his city was beyond saving, that was until his house was broken into, child held hostage, and the police didn’t show until 90 minutes after the incident. For Kirim, the ninety minutes seemed like a lifetime as his 12-year-old child’s life was in the hands of a stranger who had a knife to the boy’s throat.

The nightmare started when Kirim stepped outside to retrieve an item from his car. When he did, a stranger rushed into his house and locked the door behind him. In the following minutes, the stranger would hold the boy hostage while Kirim and neighbors called the police and forced themselves back into the apartment. more

13 Comments on 911 Call Goes Unanswered for 90 Minutes in Portland as Boy is Held Hostage With Knife

  1. …gonna be tough to get 911 operators, too. That’s a high-stress job where your basically responsibile for someone’s life when all you can really provide is telephone tech support. A 911 operator wants to say “the police are on the way” so they have someone on the ground who can SEE and TOUCH the situation, and when you want someone to “stay on the line”, it does NOT mean for a 40 minute schmooze while a child is being potentially assaulted or killed.

    911 operators are human too. If I’m answering the phone and the City tells me to tell folks “there are no police, but did you try counseling?”, then I’m gonna hand them my phone and my nametag without a word and move to another city immediately because THIS one’s fucked.

    911 is meant to be a bridge to boots on the ground, no more, and no less. If the operator has no boots on the ground to call to, what good would it do you even if they DID answer, except for we’d get to hear your dying screams on YouTube later from the 911 tape…

  2. When it comes to local politicians, I have very low expectations. These are: (1) try to not fuck things up too much; and (2) keep the peace.

    Local Democrat politicians can’t even meet these low expectations. They hamstring the local police to the point where it is impossible to even try to keep the police. And then the local Democrats advocate for just about the worst possible solutions to the crises they cause – such as defunding their police departments – thereby fucking things up even more than I thought a sane human could do.

    I have a litmus test when it comes to local politicians. (1) do you try to keep the peace? (2) Have you fucked up things even worse than I thought you could? If a local politician fails either one of these criteria, I choose to give the other guy a chance. I would have never imagined that liberal voters could be more stupid and venal than the politicians they vote for – but I was wrong.

  3. Gee, I remember a long time ago when you called the police they actually answered themselves.
    How many times can you be stabbed or shot just waiting for the 911 operator? If this is an actual emergency…Stay on the line and sometime someone will be with you….


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