94,391,000 Not In Labor Force – IOTW Report

94,391,000 Not In Labor Force

(CNSNews.com) – Following Thursday’s report of manufacturing weakness, the Obama administration on Friday released the August employment numbers, showing little or no improvement from the prior month.

94,391,000 Americans were not in the labor force in August, 58,000 more than July’s 94,333,000; and the labor force participation rate was stuck at 62.8 percent, just where it was in July, the Labor Department’s Bureau of Labor Statistics reported on Friday.

It was one year ago, in September 2015, that the labor force participation rate dropped to 62.4 percent, its lowest point since 1977. (The best it’s been since Barack Obama took office is 65.8 percent in February 2009, the month after Obama was sworn in amid a recession.)  MORE

10 Comments on 94,391,000 Not In Labor Force

  1. In yet another idiotic move, Obama caved to the US Steel makers and placed a massive teriff on foreign steel. Now end producers can not compete, stifling sales for a huge portion of the manufacturing sector. He greased the palm of his union buddies and ruined it for everyone else.

  2. When it pays more to sit on your ass and collect from the tax payer what is the point in a job. This is the “fly in the ointment” in the thinking that creating more jobs is the answer.

  3. Obama has succeeded, through his job killing legislation, corporate and insider deals for community organizers, he has effectively increased unemployment, home foreclosures and forced creative, hard working people on federal unemployment and food stamps.
    The enemy is within our gates.
    And Hillary wants to follow Obama’s corrupt lead for the next 4 years.

  4. While his She-ness continues mincing around the world’s golf courses on taxpayer dollars. Would that lightening would strike that bitch. A more despicable spawn of Satan never existed!

  5. We blame Obola, and he is responsible for the brunt of that blame, but a great deal can also be attributed to the feckless Congress, which has abdicated its responsibilities, allowing the Federal Agencies to “make” law out of nothing and impose it upon We, the People (and Sovereign) of the United States. No Agency has the authority to dictate. None. That Congress continues to fund these unlawful, rogue agencies (such as the IRS, EPA, DOJ, HHS, DoE, DOE, &c.) indicts it as a co-conspirator in the usurpation. That is the definition of Treason.

    It’s time to clean the Augean stable of DC – time to shovel out the shit.

    izlamo delenda est …

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