9th Circuit Strikes Down Open Carry Restrictions – IOTW Report

9th Circuit Strikes Down Open Carry Restrictions

Hawaii Free Press:

From Associated Press, July 24, 2018 (excerpt)

…The federal appeals court ruled Tuesday that the Second Amendment protects the right to openly carry a gun in public for self-defense.

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled 2-1 that Hawaii officials had violated George Young’s rights when he was denied a permit to openly carry a loaded gun in public to protect himself.

The decision reversed a lower court ruling that sided with officials who said the amendment only applied to guns kept in homes….

Judge Richard Clifton noted in his dissent that several appeals courts have come down on different sides of whether guns can be openly carried in public, saying: “There is no single voice on this question.” He suggested the Supreme Court will inevitably have to weigh in.  MORE


15 Comments on 9th Circuit Strikes Down Open Carry Restrictions

  1. “There is no single voice on this question.” He suggested the Supreme Court will inevitably have to weigh in….”

    This is why picking Kavenaugh is a big deal.

  2. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

    Concealed Carry or Open Carry Permit. Where in the Constitution does it require any permit to exercise any of our rights?

    Having Kavanaugh as a justice will not correct this wrong.

  3. Judge Richard Clifton noted in his dissent that several appeals courts have come down on different sides of whether guns can be openly carried in public, saying: “There is no single voice on this question.” He suggested the Supreme Court will inevitably have to weigh in.

    Uh, they already have…multiple times over the last 200 years.


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