Happy 2014! – IOTW Report

Happy 2014!



41 Comments on Happy 2014!

  1. 2013 really sucked, didn’t it?

    Here’s hoping for a seriously changed political landscape, and prosperity for all in 2014.

    Shooting Obama would achieve both these goals simultaneously.

  2. Love Celtic Woman!

    Here’s to a great 2014!

    I’m working hard to elect Karen Handel to replace Saxby Chamblis in the US Senate.

    And my daughter is getting married!

    Keep you life in focus, peeps!

  3. @jclady

    Thanks for reminding to get around to reading How the Irish Saved Civilization. I own the paperback; but every time I return the history books I’ve just finished reading back to the library, I can’t help walk out with more books in my hand! There. That’s my first New Year’s resolution to myself: “You will read this book about the Irish after you finish reading Gombrich’s: A Little History of the World (which I’m going to start as soon as I finish the book I’m reading now which is American Empire 1945-2000).” I hope.

  4. Happy New Year to all the great folks here at IOTW – staff and commenters alike.

    @Menderman – I so hope you’re right about 2014 being great. I don’t want to get my hopes up, though. I still haven’t recovered from the reelection of the drug-addles sodomite.

  5. Happy 2014! I hope this year will at least not be worse than the last. If that’s not the case, beans and bullets, comrades.

    It’s my birthday. All I would really like here is to get back email notifications.

  6. HAPPY NEW YEAR IOWNTHEWORLD. Thanks for all your hard work in presenting an entertaining & informative Constitution-loving site that attracts fun & direct comments from all. Blessings in the New Year.

  7. May 2014 be the beginning of the Great Reawakening.

    The mighty American spirit has been slumbering too long! Now get out of bed and put your big boy pants on, man!!!

    Happy New Year to all of the IOTW lunatics.

  8. Had to get a head start last night to be able to sleep through all the Mexicans’ fireworks across town. So, a belated HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone involved with iOTW.

    Here’s to sexy avatars, Frosteetoes and MJA.

  9. Happy New Year everyone, and happy birthday Rosalind.

    My wish is for an awakened and enlightened America to put an end to the creep of communism and Godlessness. The rest will take care of itself.

  10. Thanks again guys.

    For obvious reasons, I stopped being birthday-ish about my own a long time ago but thought it ok to let slip here among the familiar and friendly. Going to have dinner with my folks today – the same wonderful people (and I mean that) who couldn’t help mentioning that I cost them an entire year of deductions but for timing.

    All my best to all of you for the New Year. #WAR

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