Losing Their Minds – IOTW Report

Losing Their Minds

The Indiana Medical History Museum reported multiple break-ins last year. Authorities were unable to figure out who was doing it.  Then they got a tip that the stolen brain tissue was being sold on e-Bay.

Read the article here



11 Comments on Losing Their Minds

  1. “A San Diego man who had bought six jars of human brain tissue off eBay…after noticing labels on the containers and suspecting some kind of skulduggery…”

    “Skulduggery”?…the hell ya say!

    Sounds as if that boy had a genuine need for the stuff.

  2. @Geoff,

    I Gor, Al Gore, sounds like a match to me.
    [ But someone ( I think it was my brother) once told me, “If you had any brains, you’d eat them.” Looks like I missed a great chance to find out.]

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