Liberal Douche’ Bag Twitter Quote – IOTW Report

Liberal Douche’ Bag Twitter Quote

This is why America is DOOMED!

30 Comments on Liberal Douche’ Bag Twitter Quote

  1. The Democrats say they “won” in 2012. Obama “won”. What the fuck did you win? You won your very own black Democrat Richard Nixon. If the Allied Media Service actually did serious reporting of him, Obama would be gone already.

  2. “…Obama lied, politicians lie deal with it…”

    She conveniently left out one word in her twat, er I mean, tweet.

    “…Obama lied, ~DEMOCRAT~ politicians lie deal with it…”

    Because if it were a Republican, well you and I both know that she would be singing a different tune.

    What a twat.

  3. When Clinton got caught lying years ago a coworker said to me, “I like a president with a little ‘larceny’ in him. Makes him interesting.'”

    I replied, “Well, then you must love Nixon.”

    She said, “Well, that’s different.”

  4. This is a lot more telling of the leftist mindset than a simple flippant comment. I have said for years that leftists accept lying as a natural part of the zero sum game of politics. The expect that their guy will say and do things totally opposed to what he allegedly stands for. How many leftists will admit that Clinton created Don’t Ask Don’t Tell and sign DOMA? How many will admit that Obama was once against gay marriage and then when he suddenly announced he was for it, all was well?

    Lying and being lied to is acceptable because it helps maintain power. And power is ultimately all they desire.

  5. Mr. Pinko Is Ms. Shirley in a position of authority or just a run of the mill obamatard? “Politics is not for the faint Hearted” Tough takin’ bitch she is. How about the “fair minded” Shirley?
    I knew some pretty fair minded whores in my day.

  6. Bush didn’t lie, he told what everyone at the time, including all demoncraps, believed was the truth.

    and they couldn’t deal with that, so why should I have to deal with a lying Kenyan?

  7. oh for the love of….look, this isn’t Persia.

    THIS. IS. TWITTER!!!!!

    You have to flame her back into the stone age and then organize a group to spamblock her and get her account deactivated….while looking up her address so you can dox her for all the internet world to see.

    It’s S.O.P.

  8. Socialists lie. Tyrants lie. Dictators lie.
    Criminals and other assorted filth lie.

    A “Republic” cannot function on lies.

    Lies undermine the very foundations of a “Republic” and are tantamount to treason.

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