I bet they taste crappy – IOTW Report

I bet they taste crappy

Big Peace

Spanish Scientists Use Bacteria from Baby Poop to Make Sausages

CASTELLDEFELS, Spain, Feb. 27 (UPI) —
A team of Spanish scientists said they used strains of probiotic bacteria found in baby poop to create pork sausages.

The scientists, from the food safety program at Catalonia’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Research, wrote in the journal Meat Science they used 43 infant fecal samples from donated diapers to gather three strains of probiotic bacteria that they then used to make pork sausages, ABC News reported Thursday.

The scientists wrote the resulting sausage bore a strong resemblance to feut, a type of fermented Mediterranean sausage.

Gregor Reid, the director of the Canadian Research and Development Centre for Probiotics in Ontario, said gathering the bacteria from baby poop does not make it unsanitary.


Sausage and Pampers

Pull Up Pork

Brown n Serve


18 Comments on I bet they taste crappy

  1. Enough. It’s lunchtime, I have some Johnsonville brats in the fridge, Miller Lites on ice and Moe & Joe on the stereo. It’s sunny and 79ยบ outside, sooo . . . see y’all later.

  2. Gross. disgusting, barf and every other adjective that describes eating sausages infused with shit as an ingredient. How much longer before we get to Soylent Green? And now when someone says that their food tasted like shit, you know they really mean it.

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