“The state still has no plan to fix it.”
No plan to fix an Obamacare mess? What a surprise. I’m pretty sure that’s in the administration’s guidelines at this point.
“Dear State Officials, this memo is to inform you that you’re going to be dealing with a crapstorm from now on. Please be sure to reassure your residents that there are no plans to fix anything federally and that your state will be following our lead in offering zero solutions. If anyone has a problem, just tell them Harry Reid says they are big fat liars. That should about cover it.”
Sadly that DOES cover it
I’m still trying to figure out if the democrats intentionally fucked up this country’s health care system or if they simply are this stupid and incompetent. I mean, I work for a company that builds websites for the US government, and we never fucked anything up this bad, and the stuff we do has far more difficult architecture requirements than this Healthcare.gov site. That leads me to believe the democrats are engaging in intentional sabotage of the health care industry in hopes it will allow them to ram through a national health care system later. But who in their right minds would trust the democrats to run a goddamn thing now related to health care?
The 47% of the U.S. population that, instead of working, vote.
I thought they were bragging about being the first ones in compliance with 0bamacare? The first ones with a working website? WTF happened? LMAO
Referring to the first lady interviewed, (“at first I thought it was a good idea”), in the video. I can’t take anymore these people voting with their heads up their assess
No, but they’ll still vote for the imbeciles who caused it.
This is just 1 state out of 50. Think about it………..
that just seems like another type of death panel
heeeeeyyy SSSaaaaaaaaaaarrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh
It’s not sposed to work.
The morons will be demanding full-tilt socialized medicine.
Right now they’re just skimming off a few billion for themselves. The more people whelp and whine, the more money they’ll push in to steal.
It’s all a scam – of grotesque proportions.
Think: Globaloney Warming.