TERROR, TORTURE, MURDER: America’s Open Borders Policy – IOTW Report

TERROR, TORTURE, MURDER: America’s Open Borders Policy

Doug Ross

For those leftists, progressives, and other miscreants who believe that an open border policy is humane, please consider this report by Óscar Martínez:

It was February 2007 when 300 people had disappeared from a town called Altar.

All were Mexican and Central American migrants who were concentrated in this town of Sonora, bordering Arizona, waiting to find a opportunity, where they could enter the United States.


The narcos, omnipotent narcos, kidnap migrants from Altar heading to the crossing points. Altar is 100 kilometers from the border, but it is the town where the migrants gather supplies before heading towards the unforgiving desert, which can be so cold that it burns or so hot that it burns.

After gathering hoodies, coats, gloves, hats, those who attempt to battle the desert travel 100 kilometers of dirt road between Altar and El Sasabe to reach the border and choose a location where they will attempt to pass. Locations with names such as, el poste verde, el carro quemado, el cerrito (green pole, burning car, little mountain).

It was in that stretch of land, controlled by “Halcones” (narco lookouts), that the migrants were taken from the trucks that were transporting them to El Sasabe.



3 Comments on TERROR, TORTURE, MURDER: America’s Open Borders Policy

  1. We’ll continue to be used as a door mat at the local Big Box store until a shift from the ground up occurs. Folks in the EU can live in one country, migrate to another for work, then apply for unemployment, from that country. And guess what? They have to be given the benefits! That is just one of many reasons to secure the borders.

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