Senate to Vote on Mumia’s Lawyer Tuesday for DOJ Post – IOTW Report

Senate to Vote on Mumia’s Lawyer Tuesday for DOJ Post

PJ Tatler

The U.S. Senate has delayed the vote on Debo Adegbile for Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights until Tuesday because of the impending winter storm in D.C.  A storm of a different sort hit the nomination last Friday.  Pennsylvania’s Democrat Senator Bob Casey announced his opposition to Adegbile because Adegbile worked for Mumia Abu Jamal, the killer of police officer Danny Faulkner.

PJ Media was the first news outlet to report on Adegbile’s work for the cop killer.

The Fraternal Order of Police and other law enforcement groups have vigorously opposed Adegbile’s nomination.  The question is will other Democrats follow Casey’s lead?



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