Who’s Fact Czeching Over at MSNBC? – IOTW Report

Who’s Fact Czeching Over at MSNBC?

This map of Ukraine was used by MSNBC on Friday.

See the story here



18 Comments on Who’s Fact Czeching Over at MSNBC?

  1. you don’t get “facts” from the msm especially from msnbc.

    they will share their “feelings” with their viewers.

    but not the facts, because the ny times doesn’t print the facts, just “progressive feelings”.

  2. Of course the people at MSNBC don’t know that there is no more Czechoslavakia. The education focused on truly important things, like how to use a condom, and what ag great man Martin Luther King is.

    Bet they’re not exactly on intimate terms with Euclidian geometry either.

  3. Long live Yugoslavia! Wait. I’m getting word from the Morning Schmoe that it’s no longer in existence. But it’s official auto was such a hot “People’s Car!” Well darn. Cable the Prussians and start the autogyro. We can’t be late for lunch. Just watch out for the Red Baron.

  4. MSNBC subcontracts their cartographic requirements
    to Mars rover gal Shirley J Lee: Czechoslovakia,
    Republic of South Vietnam, British East Africa
    etc., etc., etc.

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