Cleaning Assembly – IOTW Report

Cleaning Assembly

WI Assembly Majority Leader Bill Kramer was accused of harassing multiple women on Wednesday and Thursday last week.  By Saturday he was checked in to a “treatment facility” and the Assembly republicans are expected to have a new majority leader by tomorrow.

So why does it take democrats months if not years (if ever) to get rid of their creeps?

Read the story here


14 Comments on Cleaning Assembly

  1. Republicans could never count on a compliant media to withhold this perv’s (R) status or bury it at the bottom of a story. That’s a luxury you only get with a magical (D).

  2. I am withholding comment until more information is available about exactly what form the alleged “sexual harrassment” took.

    In 2008, your own dear Auntie Yonkers was accused of sexual harassment in her worklpace. The proximate cause of the accusation was that I had offered a vacant apartment that I owned to a male colleague who had had a serious fire in his own apartment if there was too much smoke or water damage at his place to continue living there. I told him he could stay there ws longas he needed to. I wasn’t even going to charge him rent.

    I was prosecuted with the type of contempt you’d think would be reserved for someone found to be part of a terrorist threat to bomb the courthouse. I rapidly found out that at the intersection of political correctness and my civil rights, my civil rights were going down in flames. I was made to be examined by an internist and a psychiatrist, was interviewed by an attorney from the Inspector General’s office, AND was transferred from a court where I loved to work to one where I hated to work.

    I’m not defending this guy. I’m just saying that the standards for “sexual harassment” have become so utterly bizarre that you need the full story to form an opinion.

  3. @greetingsfromYonkers It seems that Bill Kramer has a history of questionable behavior.

    Charlie Sykes (a WI conservative radio host and writer) warned late last year that putting Kramer into the majority leader post would come back to haunt the Republicans. His columns are behind a pay wall but this link has some of the key excerpts from his writing on Kramer.

    And no Republican is defending him, which is unusual given that they voted to put him in charge of the Assembly.

    He’ll be lucky to hang onto his seat in the Assembly at this point.

  4. He was pranked!

    I’ve seen this before, back in the 70s.

    Someone slipped some mescaline in his soda can and his Id was unleashed, revealing his core self.

    After he comes down, if he ever does, they’ll blame a conservative somehow.


  5. How soon we forget.
    US Senator Robert Menendez (D, NJ), dodged all wrongdoing by a cover-up performed by CBS News. While at the same time they have pounded on the Gov CC of NJ.

    Republicans are fucked by the press, who in turn fuck the public for democrats.

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