Presidential Timberrrrrr? – IOTW Report

Presidential Timberrrrrr?

Human Rights Advocates Blast Hillary Clinton

Activists highlight record of inaction during Clinton’s tenure of secretary of stateFormer Secretary of State Hillary Clinton  / AP

15 Comments on Presidential Timberrrrrr?

  1. Couldn’t happen to a more wretched bitch. She’ll never get over the fact that she just doesn’t have the charm of her husband. She, in fact, lacks all charm. Any respect she has ever gotten is from respect for her husband or the deluded respect of progtards who always get psycho-social calculus 180 degrees wrong.

  2. So, what does that matter? The media won’t report it. It might get a 2 minute report on Fox News but then it’ll go away. If this was a Republican it would be on the front page of every news and Mediasite out there.
    The low information voter will never even hear about this story. Let’s face it, the low information voter doesn’t care about the story. All they know is that Republicans are mean.
    Frankly, I don’t think “low information voter” is the right terminology I think I’m just going to start calling them “fucking dumb shits.”

  3. The Left always coordinates these things. Someone’s got the long knives out for Killary.

    If it were possible to find a more hideous pix of her, I’d shudder to see it…

  4. Her eyes give me the willies.
    Colder and deader than those of a shark.

    “…she received the Lantos Foundation Human Rights award for her proclamations on women’s rights and her “pioneering work on Internet freedom.” ”

    Hunh? I must have slept through that.
    I guess between her and AlGore they invented the whole thing.

  5. Notice before and after photos of Hillary.

    I suspect that she’s too sick to endure the rigors of another presidential campaign.

    She’s keeping her cards close to her vest in order to play king maker in 2016. Of course the liberal media is aware of her condition but would not consider betraying her and Mr. Horny.

  6. Killary has all the charm of a PO’d cobra snake. The evil bitch is not so much a has-been but a never will be. Deep down in that black amoral pit of a soul she realizes that she does NOT have what it takes and every thing she has is due to whom she married. Without Bubba, she would be a total zero.

  7. A record is what you make it later down the road. She doesn’t have the luxury of folks sealing her past like Obama though. They’ve looked under the pantsuit and saw what was pointing back at them.

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