Caption! – IOTW Report


Big Peace

[5 Reasons Putin Thinks He Can Outplay Obama]


61 Comments on Caption!

  1. Putin:
    “The photographer wants to shield the only lady in this group by placing her between the gay Spaniard and you, Barri.
    That’s all I’m sayin’. “

  2. Putin: Barack, can you spell the ‘f*ck’ in invasion?
    Barack: “there ain’t no f*ck in invasion, sir.
    Putin:”That is what I tell you the whole time, ahahhaha!!”

  3. “Moochelles ass is what, about this big by now?
    Let her go to China and catch a parasite. Maybe she’ll drop 80 kgs or so— which is the size of the wart on her ass.”

  4. If Kim Jong Un, aka “Slim Jim Lee”, can fire off missiles without retribution, so can I. Keep bowing dick. Your Start Treaty only called for you to reduce.

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