Message From George – IOTW Report

Message From George

17 Comments on Message From George

  1. Not to mention saving his ancestors that piece of liberal shit. My old man flew out of England during WW11. Never had anything good to say about the English. Well maybe the women. But I’ve heard him say, “English males are worthless”. That’s no shit.

  2. The wife wanted to know. “He said he sold everything. So I think he is sitting in an empty house.” She worries about you.
    I guess she got that right.
    She pictured you cleaning up in the restrooms at the game. After sleeping rough.

  3. One of my ancestors on my Mom’s side of the family was at Lexington when the American Revolution began. Piers Morgan wants me to believe that one of his ancestors could have been the British officer in Mel Gibsons movie The Patriot who everybody hated.

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