Pimping and Whoring the Confessions of a Failed Slut – IOTW Report

Pimping and Whoring the Confessions of a Failed Slut

From Kathy:

My NEW book: Confessions of a Failed Slut

It’s short and cheap — just like me!

Thought Catalog approached me last year about publishing an Amazon “Kindle Single” — a short e-book essay collection. Of course, I said yes.

The result is my NEW e-book, Confessions of a Failed Slut:

As the only female columnist at controversial, conservative Taki’s Magazine, Kathy Shaidle soon found herself covering an unlikely beat: sexuality.

“Unlikely” because as the married, 50-year-old Shaidle explains, “my ‘number’ (as the kids call it these days) is so low that in certain Australian provinces I would still be considered a virgin.”

Confessions of a Failed Slut blends personal reflections – “How the Love Boat Ruined My Life” – with contrarian takes on porn (online and off), dating (ditto), “slut shaming,” sex toys, “robot hookers of the near future,” dinosaur erotica, the multiplication of genders and orientations, and what she calls “the epidemic of beta male faggotry” plaguing the land.

An author and blogging pioneer, Kathy Shaidle has been called “a night terror” (Wonkette), “one of the great virtuoso polemicists of our day” (Mark Steyn), “strenuously witless” (James Walcott), “a purveyor of some of the most offensive racial stereotypes I have ever read” (the Canadian Jewish Congress), “a Zionist shill for the New World Order” (InfoWars) and “not a particularly nice person” (Alex Koppelman, Salon.com).

I hope you’ll check it out!


Thanks, all!



10 Comments on Pimping and Whoring the Confessions of a Failed Slut

  1. Kathy’s awesome. But I didn’t realize she was the only female writing for Taki’s Mag until I finally figured out that Taki was a guy. Til then, I thought Kathy was just the funniest female on the staff. Now I know that she’s also the funniest virgin on the staff (in some Australian provinces).

  2. While at her blog Five Feet of Fury reading political commentary, I clicked on an article that turned out to be an audio of disgusting porn. It was later removed. I contacted her via PJ Media and she denied it but said it must have been ‘hawt’. Never went back.

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