Fishing For Bloopers – IOTW Report

Fishing For Bloopers

h/t  Rusty Anvil

billdancefishing billdancefishing

Bill Dance’s Hilarious Goof Ups and Funny Moments #1


13 Comments on Fishing For Bloopers

  1. I had a bank collapse under me (as happened to Bill in the opening sequence) after I thought I’d hooked a big one. Turned out I’d snagged a big snapping turtle under his carapace as I’d been reeling in. Wound up waist deep in water, the angry snapper about three feet directly in front of my groin, trying to hold my rod high enough to keep him at bay while trying to get back up the bank and protect future little Struans.

    Worst day fishin’ still better ‘n the best day workin’.

  2. Bill Dance is awesome. If you fished as much as him you’d have a reel of bloopers a mile long too. His is one of the shows that actually TEACHES you about fishing. I’m not big on watching fishing shows unless they actually teach you something about the sport and not just some dude in a boat catching fish after fish because of video editing. Bill Dance and Lindner’s Angling Edge are the best. Hell, if I get a chance to watch those shows I always have a pad and pen ready to jot notes down. Bill’s the kind of guy that I wish was my grandfather or uncle. His wealth of knowledge on fishing is incredible.

  3. “What’s worse then fishing?
    Watching someone fishing”

    I would rather watch fishing shows than grown men playing with their balls!

    more duck hunting and fishing shows is what this country needs.

  4. Ha ha! Bill, you’re awesome. My thoughts exactly. Oh, and ice fishing IS awesome. You just have to be an actual man to enjoy it. Duck hunting and ice fishing are for real men who love to spit in the eye of mother nature for thrills and amazing food.

  5. ice fishing is great!

    what else are you going to do in the frozen north all winter? sit home and watch grown men play with their balls on tv?

    I fish with real men who are out in the elements all winter every weekend, drilling holes and setting tip ups, drinking beer and catching fish.

  6. We ice fish here in NM at a mountain lake up near the 8000′ elevation level. Last year it got to -23 below zero. What an awesome day. Pulled in a ton of big perch and kept myself full of antifreeze (beer) all day. It’s just not worth it if it’s easy. Men are made from hardship and pushing oneself to the extremes. Not from sitting in an EZ chair watching other men do things they can’t.

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