Boy Scouts Fire Gay Scout Master – IOTW Report

Boy Scouts Fire Gay Scout Master

The Boy Scoots agreed to have openly gay scouts, but not masters. Some Methodist church bucked this and hired a queer to lead a troop. The Boy Scouts heard about it and fired the guy.

Here’s a pic of the guy on an “outing” just after he taught his charges how to rub sticks together out in the wilderness.

Raise your hand if you believed the gays when they said it would be normal scouting activity except that the master would just happen to be someone that likes to have sex with young men.

Proud to be a Scoutmaster: McGrath waves a pride flag during an outing with his troop

(Because all scouting includes waving the homo flag.)


25 Comments on Boy Scouts Fire Gay Scout Master

  1. The whole point of the exercise was to end the Boy Scouts. Can’t have people minding their own business and enjoying/learning the outdoors without a greater political agenda—that doesn’t serve the collective.

  2. Destroy the BSA, attack Christian values, install a pedophile in a herd of boy ass-rape victims, recruit more homos, ruin young boys’ lives, destroy families, make more pedophiles. It’s win-win-win-win-win-win-win for the Communists.

  3. Throughout the middle ages in the Balkans the moslems demanded a “levy of boys” from the Christians – seems like today’s socialists and assorted perverts have learned that lesson and, for some unknown reason, westerners are still acquiescing.

  4. So here’s the deal. One of the most lasting impressions you can make on a teenager is to claim, through your words and/or actions, that something is “not unusual”… without adding that it is plain wrong and damaging.

    This guy probably is not a perv towards boys, but when those scouts grow up, they will have a warped viewpoint and a false sense of safety and send their boys off camping with one who IS.

    Sorry, but straight Scoutmasters may have all sorts of issues but one of them is not having the hots for teen boys. That IS unusual, wrong and pervy.

    Signed, TLBEC – Scoutmaster to 80 scouts.

  5. perv’s will always be drawn to certain jobs in order to be near their victims.
    church clergy
    camp counselors
    secretary of state
    hollywood producers

  6. Used to be that faggots just skulked about bath houses and gay bars but I guess that was too hard to find little boys to bugger so they found a new target. I’m so sick and damned tired of them permeating throughout society in order to find new victims to their sickness like a rampant plague. How the fuck did we allow 3% of the population to make such a horrific impact on society? No place is safe from them. Even God’s beautiful forests aren’t safe from their limp-wristed clutches. It’s time for America to say enough is enough. Stay the fuck away from our children. Period.

  7. Yeah, waving around a perverted version of our national flag is what the BSA is all about. And I will respectfully disagree with Two Legged Blue Eyed Cracker – “This guy probably is not a perv towards boys” I’d say the odds are highly in favor of Mr. Fag molesting boys if he thinks he can get away with it. You have fallen for the progressive lie that “homosexuality is not the same as pedophilia”. Utter bullshit!

  8. Yeah, SgtZim nailed that one on the head. Complete and total bullshit. He’s a pedo for sure. He’s out there trying to teach them that it’s “normal” and taking pictures like the one above to rub it in the faces of all concerned parents. He sought the job out for one reason and one reason alone: camping with your boys alone and far away from your protection. Not to teach them about nature like the good scoutmasters do.

  9. Worse of all, the adult leader disrespected/bastardized the American flag with his homo agenda. He should have been fired just for that.

    Scouting policy states that adult leaders do NOT discuss matters involving sex with scouts, EVER.

    The bottom line is, what is more important? Scouting, or being a homo? This guy made his choice.

  10. He’s what is known as a “recruiter.” Nothing but the great outdoors and Pinky The Bear trying to get in your backdoor. Watch out for Pajama Boy. He’ll show up announced. Pursuit, Recruit, Pollute. Because, the Pervert Mob can’t reproduce.

  11. In most states the guy would be on a class X sexual watch list. As Matt Walsh said (in regard to a health “teacher” asking her class how many of them had had sex), When does it sound legally permissable for an adult to query a group of kids (who are not their own) about their sex lives? “I’ll show you mine, if you’ll show me yours.” I guess it pays to advertise.

    The BSA made a very bad decision to go gay and the fuse will eventually burn down.

    And stay away from the Methodists!

  12. queers like sex. not with older men but young studs. unless the old guy has lots of money. think calvin klein.

    and nothing turns them on more than youth.
    this evil of indoctrination will have its’ judgment day.

  13. Call me paranoid, but I never, not once, entrusted my kids alone with guys in any case – you just never know which one is the perv. I became the coach, the scout leader, the camping chaperone, the guy that took the boys to the ballgame or the race track. And I have no regrets.

  14. Me and my three sons were voted OUT of Scouting on May 23, 2013, for remaining MORALLY STRAIGHT!!! >:-(

    To HELL with the Boy Sodomites of America – we’re now in TRAIL LIFE USA – the morally STRAIGHT alternative to BSA!

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