Six Taliban – One Bullet – IOTW Report

Six Taliban – One Bullet

A British sniper in Afghanistan managed to pull off the double hat trick with only one bullet.

Read the story here

22 Comments on Six Taliban – One Bullet

  1. Chief spokesman for the Taliban Hamid Karzi was unavoidable for comment:

    In Pashto:

    “This is a disgrace. This poor shepherd was merely out going to dynamite a stump to create a new watering hole for his wives, er goats for the coming spring. This is murder pure and simple.”

    In perfect English with a Perfect British accent:

    He then turned and demanded the American Special Forces and British Special Forces guarding him take him back to his Palace to be with his goats, er wives…

  2. No way that was a Brit pulling the trigger. It had to be a Scotsman. Those dress wearing Haggistani clansmen are notorious nickle shaving bastards, so it would make more sense for a Porridge Wog to try and save the Queen a few tuppence on ammo.

  3. The Coldstreams are the oldest British Army Regiment. It takes three Regimental Colour Sergeants to hold their Regimental Standard upright due to their pennants. (Just kidding – but it does take a full man to do it.) They’re also the ones that wear the busby’s (A really Big Fur Hat) on Dress Parade. Had the honour of marching with them at the Cenotaph on Remembrance Sunday (a lifetime ago) and getting blotto with them on Remembrance Sunday night.

    Proud to say a few Robertson’s have served with them. Of their many, many, many deeds it was they who held the Farm at Napolean’s Waterloo.

  4. Aye, Rando laddie, do let the Sassenach go on in his newcomer Teutonic way. He’s actually complimenting the natives of the island. And we won’t be reminding him it was the Coldstream’s that put The Merry Monarch Charlie Stuart back on the Misty Isles throne.


  5. Anonymous, it’s not like I hide it.

    Anyway, thank you for providing a segue to promote this link. It started off as a part of someone’s dissertation and grew from there. The racial slur database provides a unique view on the ways in which diverse cultures perceive each other.

    Plus, it’s fuggin’ funny. Everyone gets slammed.

  6. @Burr-“shanks” – lol – at least Edward 1 (Malleus Scotorum) was a Plantagenet and therefore of Norman (Norseman) descent – not a Sassenach. But his son got his ass hammered @ Bannockburn.

  7. Whatever Struan, the important thing is that my ancestors have oppressed and subjugated damn near everyone on the planet at some point.

    That’s a hell of a track record for a people with an affinity for spotted dick.

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