Suckers… – IOTW Report



HT/ FDR in Hell

11 Comments on Suckers…

  1. The stimulus would keep unemployment below 8 percent.
    Stimulus funds would go to “shovel-ready” jobs.
    Obamacare would create 4 million new jobs – 400,000 almost immediately.
    You could keep your own doctor.
    The president’s mother was denied health insurance.
    Obamanomics would mean a “net spending cut.”

    “Never smarten up a chump or give a sucker an even break.”

  2. Our family has employer based coverage that we have to pay for half every month. I ran the numbers yesterday, we pay $216/month * 2 = $431/month is the full bill. A comparable Obamacare plan is $465/month. Actually somewhat competitive, but it doesn’t include dental.

    The real kicker is the deductible, $3500 for employer coverage versus $12,700 for Obamacare. The deductible difference alone is enough to pay premiums for almost 2 full years.

  3. If told to choose between the two architects, Karl “Pork Chop” Rove or Ezekiel “Spittle” Emanuel, the term “sucker” would be thrown around early and often. Every few months they come a callin’, to keep your premium from a fallin’.

  4. The parallels between Obamacare and the GM faulty ignition switch cover-up making the headlines is uncanny.

    “They were told repeatedly that there were problems…they lied…they was all about money…people died…this is an outrage, how dare they!”

    Yep. It sure is.

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