You Never Know Someone’s Backstory – IOTW Report

You Never Know Someone’s Backstory


 There’s this old timer in town whose wife passed away last week.  I only met her once or twice when she came with him to a Christmas dinner or play production or something like that, so I didn’t really know her.  Turns out she was pretty amazing! Check this out…




7 Comments on You Never Know Someone’s Backstory

  1. “You Never Know Someone’s Backstory”:

    Good title, very true.

    How many knew that one of the most beautiful film stars (Hedy Lamarr) was brilliant with RF technology and cutting edge ideas for fighting the Nazis?

    She was known for her looks, and film presence, but underneath was an incredible mind for scientific ideas.

  2. What a cool story, and an interesting woman.

    It’s so true…’you never know someone’s backstory.’
    I’ve been lucky enough to meet quite a few old farts in my travels, and depending on the circumstances and time available, I try to engage them in conversation.

    I’ve met a WWII concentration camp survivor, a couple of inventors, a few really interesting self-made millionaires, and a psychopath who received alien signals in his fillings, and other interesting people.

  3. All kinds of people have back stories. My old man, Colonel Granpa’, told me about how he worked his way through college as a DJ.

    In the south on those days Elvis Presley wasn’t very popular with men. But Colonel Granpa’ had to play him in rotation just like everybody else.

    Well, one day he had had enough. So he announced on the air that there was a NEW Elvis, some kid who sounded EXACTLY like Elvis, only better! He invited his audience to listen and compare, and if the kid was better they would only play him instead of Elvis.

    So my ol’ man plops on Elvis’ ‘Blue Suede Shoes’. Then he says the next song is a cover by this new Elvis kid…and then he proceeds to play the same Elvis song again.

    Man, his phone started ringing off the hook with hysterical women and furious kids demanding that he stop playing “that awful imitator’.

    He kept it up for 2 weeks.

  4. Funny. I was just watching a Rocky & Bullwinkle DVD. Right in the middle Boris says something about AM (time) and Natasha comments that she loves AM (radio), “especially Mozelle Markham.”

    Had I not seen this post this morning that would have gone right over my head.

    Thanks, Fur. You never know where you’ll find some education.

  5. Sounds like a great gal. But please, while you’re at it, look at this one:

    I had the great privilege of being the guy who got her out of retirement and put her back on the air in 1998 at KDAV when I was owner/GM. You’ll never meet a nicer lady and by far the most competent and professional air personality I’ve ever met. She was immensely popular in this area throughout the late 50’s and 60’s. I had the first station in the area “streaming” (one of the first anywhere!) and she had fans literally all over the world. Not taking away from Mozelle; just wanted to plug Misty when I got the chance…

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