Kickstarter Tells Gosnell Documentary Filmmakers to Remove References to Stabbing Babies – IOTW Report

Kickstarter Tells Gosnell Documentary Filmmakers to Remove References to Stabbing Babies


FOX News Insider


Two filmmakers were raising money to make a movie about Dr. Kermit Gosnell when they were reportedly asked to remove certain language from their page.

Ann McElhinney and Phelim McAleer set out to raise $2 million for a movie about the Philadelphia abortion doctor who was convicted in 2013 of the murder of three newborns and accused of killing hundreds more.

Fox News contributor Kirsten Powers, who has covered the Gosnell case, said that Kickstarter told the couple to remove references to babies being stabbed, although that is what he was found guilty of.

“It’s a description of what he did. He was found guilty,” Powers said.



20 Comments on Kickstarter Tells Gosnell Documentary Filmmakers to Remove References to Stabbing Babies

  1. The act of doing it, and being convicted of it, is not offensive-just talking about it is?!?!

    “In times of universal deceit-telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” George Orwell

  2. Henceforth, the term “stabbing baby in head with scissors” will be replaced with “unburdening young woman from a baby”.

    There, that fixes it and makes life all sunshine and lollypops again.

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