Official Says Obama NEVER Went Into Situation Room During Benghazi Attack – IOTW Report

Official Says Obama NEVER Went Into Situation Room During Benghazi Attack

Conservative Tribune

Obama has neglected his most basic duties as Commander-in-Chief so many times that it’s actually quite frightening.

He skipped a key national security meeting right in the middle of the Ukraine crisis, then had the gall to do it AGAIN.

On Benghazi, he was suspiciously missing from the picture when we were given more details about the timeline of the attack and the response from Washington.

Now, the former NSA spokesperson admitted that Obama never even entered the situation room during the attack.  Simply amazing.

Via IJ Review:

In a contentious interview with Bret Baier on Fox News, former NSA spokesperson Tommy Vietor admitted that Barack Obama never even entered the situation room even as the attack continued at the Benghazi consulate.

Ironically, he was trying to defend the president when he made this comments, by criticizing Fox News for airing reports that Obama watched the attack unfold from the Situation Room.



22 Comments on Official Says Obama NEVER Went Into Situation Room During Benghazi Attack

  1. That arrogant little 12 y/o piece of shit looking punk!

    Fine… Then you should’ve gotten your ass up and combed the White House room by room until you found Obama’s useless ass and DRAGGED him to the situation room, kicking and screaming if needed!

    I guess Reggie and Obama were too busy that evening…

  2. Can a sitting President be forced to testify before a special committee? It could be dangerous but assuming Boehner follows through and Gowdy is chair it could be done impartially and Obama could be exposed as the charlatan he is with minimal damage to the GOP and maximum damage to the Democrats. In fact the GOP could come out as heros to the republic.


    September 10, 2012 – 4:20 pm

    Jihadi groups in Egypt, including Islamic Jihad, the Sunni Group, and Al Gamaa Al Islamiyya have issued a statement threatening to burn the U.S. Embassy in Cairo to the ground.

    According to El Fagr, they are calling for the immediate release of the Islamic jihadis who are imprisonment and in detention centers in the U.S. including Guantanamo Bay: “The group, which consists of many members from al-Qaeda, called [especially] for the quick release of the jihadi [mujahid] sheikh, Omar Abdul Rahman [the “Blind Sheikh”], whom they described as a scholar and jihadi who sacrificed his life for the Egyptian Umma, who was ignored by the Mubarak regime, and [President] Morsi is refusing to intervene on his behalf and release him, despite promising that he would. The Islamic Group has threatened to burn the U.S. Embassy in Cairo with those in it, and taking hostage those who remain [alive], unless the Blind Sheikh is immediately released.”

  4. And where do you think his lying black ass was while SEAL Team 6 was offing bin Laden? Yup, front and center in the situation room. There is proof in a very famous photograph (the one in which Hillary Clinton looks like Chelsea is out past curfew). In fact, I bet he’s the one who asked for the picture to be taken, since I can’t imagine they’d allow photographer in that room ordinarily.

    Why? BECAUSE IN INTENDED TO CLAIM CREDIT FOR, AND WANTED TO BASK IN THE GLORY OF, the demise of a deadly enemy of our nation–one which, coincidentally, the Bush 2 administration was unable to bring down during its tenure.. He knew that there would be no popularity surges from either Benghazi or the Ukraine, so he distanced himsel

  5. Still and forever, BHO could eat a fried baby head in the Oval Office on camera and the press will spin it, cover it up, ignore it or ask for crackers.

    It’s what “good” communists do.

  6. Sorry premature transmission. Obama distanced himself from the events in Benghazi and The Ukraine, because he couldn’t bear the negative impact on his popularity.

    This incompetent, narcissistice little pussy boy needs to be impeached NOW, before he damages the country in some way that can’t be fixed.

  7. Three questions

    Where was he then?

    Where was Hillary?

    Who was in charge and failed to direct the military to intervene and support our people on the ground being attacked that night?

  8. The Preezy’s defense is that he didn’t respond to calls for help from the American COnsulate in Benghazi because he wasn’t even doing his job ???

    Isn’t that his regular excuse, eg “I didn’t know ____ until I read it in the news” ?

    Isn’t that he is hardly EVER doing his job, all that is needed to IMPEACH Mr Barry Jackass Golfsalot ?

  9. The line “simply amazing” is simply no longer correct, every time more of this administrations behaviours are exposed, it is crystal clear where their loyalties lie. None if this is surprising anymore for those who have paid attention.

  10. I saw the “Dude” vsegment before I saw this one, but taken together it is astounding how amateur, immature, adolescent and disrespectful this administration is.

    Surfer dude realized mid sentence that Brett busted him with his “was the president in the situation room” answer.

    You could see his mind scrambling to recover during the line of questioning, which explained his fallback disrespectful response, “I don’t know he wasn’t wearing a tracking monitor system.”

    What a putz.

  11. He unwittingly revealed where Obama was that night:

    BAIER: … When Hillary Clinton talks to him by phone at 10:00 p.m., he’s where?

    VIETOR: I don’t know. I don’t have a tracking device on him in the residence.

    So he retired to the residence for the evening, knowing that he did not know the status of Ambassador Stevens.

    Dereliction of duty is the least of it.

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