Turtle Rock community manager let go after Donald Sterling Twitter remarks – IOTW Report

Turtle Rock community manager let go after Donald Sterling Twitter remarks

The thought police have their batons out and they are cracking skulls.

Polygon– Josh Olin, the community and eSports manager at Evolve developer Turtle Rock Studios, is no longer with the company in the wake of a series of remarks related to vilified Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling.

Olin, a former community manager at Treyarch Studios (Call of Duty: Black Ops) and Riot Games (League of Legends), said on Twitter on Wednesday, “Here’s an unpopular opinion: Donald Sterling has the right as an American to be an old bigot in the security of his own home. He’s a victim.”

The tweet was in reference to Donald Sterling’s private racist remarks being made public, the ensuing media attention and punishment meted out by NBA league commissioner Adam Silver. The commissioner announced on Tuesday that Sterling was banned for life from NBA events and would pay a fine of $2.5 million. Silver is also attempting to force a sale of the Clippers.

After Olin’s remarks hit Twitter, some of his followers — he has some 142,000 — challenged the original tweet. “When you were raised in an era where segregation was perceived as ‘right’, that will stick with some people,” Olin later said. “Doesn’t make him a monster.”

Olin later clarified that he believed Sterling was a victim because of “illegal wiretapping resulting in a MASSIVE, life altering breach in privacy.” Today, Olin tweeted he was “expressly not defending [Sterling’s] remarks or actions.”


ht/ Tammy

9 Comments on Turtle Rock community manager let go after Donald Sterling Twitter remarks

  1. This is exactly what I said when this story first broke!

    Whoever recorded him making those remarks is guilty of a felony in CA. They should be prosecuted. And he should have some form of recourse to sue them into poverty.

    I’ll bet it was his wife.

  2. I listened to the entire Sterling phone conversation and frankly, it didn’t seem so terrible. What is the big fuss about? He didn’t want his girlfriend to be associating with black people and/or bringing them to games — Big Deal!

    Frankly, whenever crowds and crowds of blacks congregate, usually some sort of violence, aggression, fights, profanities, etc. occur. The usual behavioral breakdown. Sorry if the truth is painful or politically incorrect – Sterling’s comments were only reflecting reality; and he said them PRIVATELY.

  3. Just wait until the rest of these young indoctrinated speech-code college graduates are able to get jobs and come into positions of management. Work will be a true hell for everyone. This man just expressed an opinion, a first amendment opinion in defense of the first amendment and was terminated. He did not endorse someone else’s opinion, he just spoke for his right to speak it in private. And was fired for it.

    Lawsuit to follow.

  4. I heard an old man who didn’t want his whore rubbing all of her other boyfriends in his face at his own place. He’ll kiss the human sperm bank but he doesn’t want to see all the donors on the couch in his living room.

    Regardless, Treyarch and all these video game companies are constantly under assault by the Left for promoting violence. So, making games about killing people in the most ruhlessly efficient manner is how they make a living under the aegis of Free Expression that they don’t honor themselves.

    Its not like I have never seen a bunch of hypocrites before.

  5. What the hell have we come to when someone loses their job over a statement that doesn’t follow the accepted talking points? Watch out, PC police, you might be next over some innocent statement made in the privacy of your own home. It will be a happy day for me when that happens.

  6. Can’t believe that guy (sorta) apologised for his remark!! No way!! Say what you will about the bigoted Sterling, if his conversation was recorded (and w/o his permission) he has a major case for a lawsuit that could drag out in court for years. He can sue NBA, TMZ, girlyfriend, and if he’s got a good lawyer, a whole lot if other people.
    And maybe that’s what this country needs right now. The PC police to be sued by someone who can afford to let it run the lawsuits run their course!
    And as someone said they think the wife is behind it.. I don’t think so. It’s the money grubbing girlyfriend. You think TMZ didn’t pay her major bucks for that tape?!?! She’s making out like the fat rat she is!

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