RIP Hazel – IOTW Report

RIP Hazel

In my long overdue “bi-annual” Readers Contributions to the Sunday Critter post, I gather the emails sent to me in a separate folder. I don’t always look at the content so they can sit there for some time before I get to them. My apologies to Stranded in Sonoma. Here is the email sent on 6-20-2013:

Stranded in Sonoma - Hazel

I wrote the following about my pretty kitty Hazel.

She died today (6-20-13) and I just wanted to let the IOTW Sunday Critter followers know. It was a difficult choice but something that had to be done. Her quality of life was waning and the best thing for her was to go quietly with no further suffering.

She was our watch-cat and I will never forget her.

Stranded in Sonoma


Please use the email, when you need to share timely news to the iOTW family. We need to grieve with you at your time of need.

God bless you, Stranded.


25 Comments on RIP Hazel

  1. While I may heap praise upon the canine species, most companion friends prior to dogs, were feline. They were affectionate, cuddlesome and laid back. Losing a dear friend is painful. I hope you have overcome your grief about Hazel. She was fortunate to have “found” you.

  2. That is a pretty cat. Stranded, I know it wasn’t easy, but you knew that it was the right thing to do. Hopefully there is a new “Hazel” in your home to soften the hurt and resume where she left off.

  3. I’m sorry for your loss Stranded. That was a beautiful “eulogy” to Hazel.

    p.s. Rutin is important for humans, especially diabetics. Rutin is found in, I believe, buckwheat, citrus fruits and misc. berries = many things that diabetics eat sparingly because of carbs. Therefore, a rutin tab is pretty good to take.

  4. @stranded – so sorry for your loss. Your tribute to her was very moving. It sounds like she led a good long life and you did the right thing by her. I hope the passage of time has eased your pain somewhat.

  5. Thanks, all. She was a wonderful cat. I can still picture her at about 3 months old cuddled up with her sister Corky on the back of our couch, yin/yang style. Our dog Jasmine didn’t dare jump up on the couch so she just had to sniff from afar. About 6 months later, Jasmine and Hazel were playing their head-in-mouth game and Corky was off ridding us of mice.

    She was a terrific watch cat.

  6. RIP, kitter. I’m sorry for your loss, Stranded.

    Thanks for the notifying details, Claudia. My own beloved border collie has gone missing, presumed out of the world for over a week now. I’m fiddling with windows movie maker for the first time..if anyone has a recommendation for another easier program, don’t be shy. I only have one vid, but a number of pictures.

  7. Stranded, my heart goes out to you.

    I have held each of my four kitties when they passed. I promised them I would, since they were the best companions.

    It’s very difficult.

    The last to go was the first that came to live with me, in 1998 when she was two years old. She died, in my arms, last year. Kitty Cat was 15 years old, a venerable old cat.

  8. Sorry about your cat Stranded. Here in the wilds of Northern Cali. they have a short shelf life. Where we live if the Hawks, Barn Owls, Mountain Lions, Coyotes, Rattle Snake, don’t get them the cars do. Latest victim was our new neighbors cat. Young family first day in their house. Rattle Snake on the pool deck tagged the cat. The kids watched it happen. I guess the good news is the kids will be watching for snakes from now on.

  9. @MaryfromMarin — Yes we do. I’m always amazed at how we get all giddy at acquiring another pet when we know the pain we will suffer when they go. Yet we do it every time.

    I guess the years of companionship easily make up for the terrible loss we feel when they pass. It’s a human thing.

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