Red flags all over the Bergdahl swap – IOTW Report

Red flags all over the Bergdahl swap

The Conversation

In response to American Soldier Held Captive By Taliban Since 2009 Freed in Swap:

This whole deal is bristling with red flags.  Let’s start off with the title of your post: Sgt. Bergdahl was not held captive by the Taliban.  He was a prisoner of the Haqqani terrorist network, as author Brad Thor explains in The Blaze.

Thor talked to his contacts in the intelligence community to put the whole story together – I highly recommend reading his post in full.  He thinks the Obama Administration bungled opportunities for a rescue, painting a portrait of confusion and incompetence very familiar to any student of the Obama years:

Through all the intrigue, escape attempts, constant movement, and subterfuge, Sgt. Bergdahl was allegedly never transported outside Showal.  The Haqqanis had kept him in the same general area.  We could have gotten to him, and we should have gotten to him much sooner.

The habit of leaving men behind has become an alarming hallmark of the Obama Administration.  We have never before done that as a nation.  I can’t imagine the Special Operations community, the intelligence community, or the military in general are very happy right now.  President Obama knew for too long where Sgt. Bergdahl was and did nothing to get him back.  The Pakistanis, who also knew, haven’t been sanctioned for their culpability in this outrage, much less for the sanctuary they provided for Osama bin Laden.

According to the Associated Press, any effort to free Sgt. Bergdahl suffered from “disorganization and poor communication among numerous federal agencies.” Nevertheless, whether it was the “shrinking U.S. military footprint in Afghanistan” or a need for a stage-maganed win to distratct from the scandals and failed foreign policy plaguing the Obama Administration, someone decided to redouble efforts to secure Sgt. Bergdahl’s release.



4 Comments on Red flags all over the Bergdahl swap

  1. Nothing to see here folks. Heard on NPR ( Nefarious Propaganda Radio )at lunch that these guys only had a small part in the battlefield itself ( so did those at Nuremberg ) and they are probably going to go back to their humble lives as simple goat-herders and avoid violent jihad. King Obama has once again charged, leaning forward on his unicorn, into the breech and saved us.

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