Andrea Mitchell slammed by Obamabots – IOTW Report

Andrea Mitchell slammed by Obamabots


‘F$#k You B@#%$’

NBC Anchor Slammed By Rabid Obama Supporters for Hinting at Opportunistic Photo Op With POW Dad

NBC correspondent and anchorette Andrea Mitchell was attacked as harshly as possible by leftists angry that she would dare insinuate Obama is happy to mask the controversy over his terrorist trade by appearing with Bowe Bergdahl’s parents. Here is her rather innocuous tweet:

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Mitchell is hardly a source of right-wing bias, in fact she’s been caught (by yours truly) deceptively editing video to smear Mitt Romney during the 2012 campaign. Even so, these are the attacks that Obama supporters bombarded her account with on Twitter:



25 Comments on Andrea Mitchell slammed by Obamabots

  1. The left is running scared because their best effort to take over America is being resisted. This makes the left dangerous in the sense, the more desperate they become, the more they will think the only solution is to adopt the Bill Ayers plan for genocide of 25 or 30 million people. At this point you need to ask the question…does America really need a domestic security force as well equipped as the US Military? Why? For what reason does the left need such a force? The answer…because Bill Ayers and his ilk (Obama being one of them) think now is their chance to implement the 100 year progressive plan to take over America. Their guy is in office and their sycophants are ready to hit the street. Van Jones: “bottom up, top down”…this must be code for the civilian security force to come down on the middle class while the free stuff crowd assaults them from the bottom, putting the squeeze on them to capitulate. Observant people would call this…”the writing on the wall”.

  2. Toe the party line andrea or else STFU! I can’t wait for her teary apology this morning. What she said was dead on but looks like she stepped on a hornets nest. Fire her.

  3. Just how stupid & obtuse can these libtards be ???
    barry soetero did this illegally and released high level muzzie scum so they can blow up more innocent people.I understand this soldier is a deserter who taught the Taliban how to make IUD’s ??? That MULLATTO MUTT in our White house needs to be brought up on charges of HIGH TREASON NOW !!!!!
    6000 years of human history shows that no country or group respects weakness…

  4. I don’t know more than 3 people who don’t think O is an asshole. I Don’t think they realize the threat yet, but hopefully they soon will.

  5. Oh, the joy of seeing another desperate Leftist
    “journalist” try to escape the USS Obama like a rat.
    (…but I repeat myself))

    The responses are cute, if you’re into those 5-year-old’s “stinky-poo” kinda slams.

    I’m waiting for “I-Ate-Too-Much” Candy Crowley to
    jump ship in the same manner.

  6. Payback for Mrs Greenspan who manipulated the edited Romney statements about the innovations of a fast food giant from a praise of private innovation over government to appearing to be totally unaware of the innovation.
    All I can say is “Amazing!”
    When Mrs. Greenspan is not their friend, who is?

  7. The progressives have breeding and grooming their zombie foot soldiers for 40 years now. They won’t be able to contain them much longer. It doesn’t matter who you are, anyone who attempts to criticize or impede their mission will be dealt with harshly.

  8. …Only see a scurry of SQUIRRELS being
    sent running out of the WH,the Berghald BS…
    …This is only another freaking move to
    blind the LIV from, what is it now, the
    eleventh and counting scandal…Not to
    mention the President Zero’s move to
    kill the Power producing plants and raise
    the electrical bills to the roof…
    …Impeach the Mooslem,Commie Traitor!!!

  9. Democratic response to criticism of Obama doesn’t even surprise me anymore. I have seen kindly, docile grandmothers turn into raving banshees frothing at the mouth when you make the mere suggestion that their messiah might be less than competent as president.
    Just laugh at them, and remember to vote in November.

  10. Anther important entry route into your house for bugs is your pets.
    Eachh is designed to protect your garden from a range off insects.
    Naturally occurring enzymes of protease, lipase, amylase and cellulase, derived from food grade sources, are the primary ingredients.

  11. @Even Steven

    You have to do one of two things to the link.

    A: Hit space first before putting that period you added at the end of the link.


    B: Again, with the cursor at the end link, hit enter and put the period on the next line.

    Either way will do want you want.

  12. As an owner of a pest biz and, of course, a licensed certified applicator for 27 years+, I find exterminators’ post odd and quite out of place for this thread.

    Beware of any link he gives until you’re sure of him.

    More than likely a spammer.

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