“Aggression against the Islamic Republic of Iran would mean annihilation of Tel Aviv and spread of war into the US” – IOTW Report

“Aggression against the Islamic Republic of Iran would mean annihilation of Tel Aviv and spread of war into the US”

Jihad Watch

Good thing the Iranians are all moderates now. Imagine what they would be saying if they weren’t.

“Iran Threatens to Annihilate Israel if U.S. Attacks,” by Elad Benari, Israel National News, May 30, 2014:

A senior Iranian commander threatened on Friday that any American attack on Iran will result in “the annihilation of the Israeli regime”.

They know that aggression against the Islamic Republic of Iran would mean annihilation of Tel Aviv and spread of war into the United States,” the commander, Massoud Jazayeri, was quoted by the Fars news agency as having said.

His remarks came after U.S. President Barack Obama said on Wednesday that there is an opportunity to resolve disputes over Iran’s nuclear energy program but reiterated that Washington reserves “all options” against Iran, alluding to military action.

Jazayeri described Obama’s remarks as “childish dreams which may not come true”.



8 Comments on “Aggression against the Islamic Republic of Iran would mean annihilation of Tel Aviv and spread of war into the US”

  1. “…His remarks came after U.S. President Barack Obama said on Wednesday that there is an opportunity to resolve disputes over Iran’s nuclear energy program but reiterated that Washington reserves “all options” against Iran, alluding to military action…”

    Obama’s narcissism combined with his ineptitude and incompetence is either frighteningly dangerous or laughingly embarrassing – depending on if he acts on his threats or not.

  2. Here’s a news flash:

    We are already at war with these Muslim assholes. The entire planet has been at war with these MUSLIM assholes for as long as there has been recorded history, and then some.

    If Israel nuking these Muslim assholes garners any irrefutable proof that the world is in a holy war with the Marxist evil that is Islam, then push the damn button already.

    Attack Iran, but please make it decisive. Anything less will be wasted effort.

    With Obama as the U.S. President, Israel knows that they are totally on their own, so I think any preemptive attack by them will be pretty noticeable. The USA will be at war with itself regardless of what Israel does, soon enough.

    Thanks to Obama, we now ALL have a ransom on our heads.

  3. @Tsunami – just turn the fucking izzslumic state of iran into a sheet of glass and be done with it. Period. We’ll worry about the repercussions later.

  4. In case anyone missed it this weekend, Susan Rice was bragging about their success in Iranian negotiations too.

    There is something seriously wrong with that woman. She displays no emotion. Complete flat affect. Which I imagine is helpful when you lie like a cheap rug.

  5. Well I wonder whether this general was posturing, trying to get time for Iran to get their bomb because if they move on Israel and Israel feels their survival is in jeopardy then Iran will cease to exist as an entity. One assumes that this general is aware that Israel has a large nuclear arsenal and will use it rather than allow itself to be destroyed. What’s more I suspect that the Arab countries would actually quietly applaud Iran’s destruction.

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