The Democratic Assault on the First Amendment by Ted Cruz – IOTW Report

The Democratic Assault on the First Amendment by Ted Cruz

Last night Senator Ted Cruz personally asked Mr. Pinko to post this on iOwnTheWorld. Please forward, link, tweet, etc… It is a VERY IMPORTANT message.
Congress has too much power already; it should not have the power to silence citizens. by Ted Cruz
For two centuries there has been bipartisan agreement that American democracy depends on free speech. Alas, more and more, the modern Democratic Party has abandoned that commitment and has instead been trying to regulate the speech of the citizenry.

We have seen President Obama publicly rebuke the Supreme Court for protecting free speech in Citizens United v. FEC; the Obama IRS inquire of citizens what books they are reading and what is the content of their prayers; the Federal Communications Commission proposing to put government monitors in newsrooms; and Sen. Harry Reid regularly slandering private citizens on the Senate floor for their political speech.

But just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, it does. Senate Democrats have promised a vote this year on a constitutional amendment to expressly repeal the free-speech protections of the First Amendment.

You read that correctly. Forty-one Democrats have signed on to co-sponsor New Mexico Sen. Tom Udall’s proposed amendment to give Congress plenary power to regulate political speech. The text of the amendment says … CLICK HERE TO READ THE REST AT THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
or HERE Ted Cruz site (Thank you Zonga)

7 Comments on The Democratic Assault on the First Amendment by Ted Cruz

  1. guessing that’s why he was meeting with Miss Pamela who routinely posts the FACTS about damn near everything izlom – except that muzzies call it blasphemy and inside bet is that Sen Cruz would fight to take that 1st Amend. right all the way up to the supreme court

    check out dems hakim jefferies and another dem dbag in the senate for sponsoring a bill that would LIMIT FREE SPEECH

    and who the hell needs free speech MORE than Ms.

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