Christie lost 85 pounds – IOTW Report

Christie lost 85 pounds

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie appears to have shed as many as 85 pounds since his lap-band surgery last year and looks to be down to a healthier 230-something weight, according to experts.

After a constituent remarked about the governor’s noticeably slimmed-down physique at a town hall meeting last week, POLITICO asked two experts to estimate the governor’s weight loss by comparing several pictures of him from 2011 with recent photos.

Read more at poolitico

image: AP

34 Comments on Christie lost 85 pounds

  1. A bypass surgeon said most of his patients not only regained all their weight but got even bigger than they were originally because those nutrient-filled milkshakes pts are supposed to drink taste so good. He said they sip them all day long.

  2. I don’t care how much stomach they pinch, cut or staple. If he can’t control his mouth, he’ll gain that fat right back.

    I wonder if he donated the 85lbs worth of skin?

  3. Them dry dry bones, huh?

    I’d rather have Christie than Hillary. Sign him up. I’d vote for him if it came down to it in the general election. HAPPILY.

    In the primary, no, but….

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