Soldier With Fellow Fallen Soldiers Who Searched For Bergdahl Tattooed On His Back Speaks Out – IOTW Report

Soldier With Fellow Fallen Soldiers Who Searched For Bergdahl Tattooed On His Back Speaks Out

19 Comments on Soldier With Fellow Fallen Soldiers Who Searched For Bergdahl Tattooed On His Back Speaks Out

  1. Our pResident is a mother fucking piece of shit scumbag….If this kind of crap can’t wake up the left to how evil he is, the experiment called the USA is done!

    (my apologies for the language, but I am effing pissed!)

  2. God bless you Sgt Josh Porter for speaking out. Your bravery – on, but in this case, off the battlefield – will hopefully inspire others to do the same.

    The truth must come out.

  3. Before I understood the details of this story and only saw brief news clips on TV-my first thoughts on the Dad was, “couldn’t he have cleaned up a little before going to the White House?”

    Oh. I get it now. WTF.

  4. The only thing I can figure is that the son of a bitch is just daring us to impeach his ass now. That’s why Carney resigned, because his new job is doing donuts on the Capitol lawn with the OFA-Prius while giving Congress the finger with one hand as he drags on a huge reefer in the other hand.

  5. I’m glad this guy came out and said this. And I hope the rest of them show up all over television. the second that piece of shit gets back to the states he needs to be sued by the dead soldiers’ families.

  6. ……and like magic, in one 24 hour news cycle, the VA scandal get’s dropped like a hot potato, the Benghazi Hillary scandal gets dropped like a hot potato, and the timing of Jay Carney’s resignation gets lost in the scramble to cover a collaborating, tree-hugging, Muslim sympathizer and his hippie-era parents.

    I wonder what the value of my Christian-faith head is worth on the Taliban stock market these days?

    Again, why isn’t anyone enforcing the Constitution regarding Obama giving aid and comfort to the enemy?

    How far are they going to let this administration go before the recognize the enemy and take appropriate action?

  7. The most charitable scenario is that this guy wandered away from a forward outpost to take a hike in enemy territory during active hostilities with lots of pissed off Taliban around. In what universe is this even remotely a good idea?

    In reading some of the stuff between this soldier and his father, it is clear that his father is an enabler who never managed to convey any sense of responsibility to his son. Sure, go ahead and join the French Foreign Legion. Sure, follow your conscience even though you are an active member of the military. Sight see in Afghanistan while you can.

    He’s fortunate he hasn’t won Darwin’s lottery. Yet.

  8. I’m sure that those terrorists we released from Gitmo in exchange for this fellow have seen the error of their ways, and will get out of the terrorist business. On the other hand, they were still in Gitmo for a reason.

    It is possible, maybe even likely that innocent people will die because we let five terrorists go free in exchange for a soldier who was the cause of his own misfortune. Typical libs – they can’t think past the next 10 minutes when it comes to the consequences of their actions.

  9. I wonder whether CNN asked him not to use the word “deserter”? He said that Bergdahl wanted to see Afghanistan without the army looking over his shoulder. In fairness I only watched the first 2 minutes of this interview but it very much seemed to me that it seemed to be soft-pedaling (do a degree) Bergdahl’s actions. Anyway, let’s wait for the investigation by the army and hope that it’s made public and not doctored by one of Obama’s supporters.

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