This Has All the Earmarks of a Hoax – IOTW Report

This Has All the Earmarks of a Hoax

A couple of  things –

This girl/shim, whatever I’m supposed to call it, has won the 2014 Annoying Vocal Fry Competition HANDS DOWN.

Does anyone else get the feeling that “this relationship” is more important to these two, and the reporter, than the crime? The crime seems to take a backseat to their specialness.

This seems like malignant attention whoring and desperate need for validation and it doesn’t belong on a news report. This is pure pink mafia propaganda.


21 Comments on This Has All the Earmarks of a Hoax

  1. If not a hoax, it’s certainly a speculation-heavy non-story. Guy hears chicks making screeching noises upstairs and walks through an unlocked door staring bug-eyed at the carpet-munching spectacle before getting pushed back out the door. Just ’cause the chick says “he definitely wanted some of this” doesn’t mean that’s what was really going on. Possibly, but the story is thin. News gal really had to stretch and cover “the relationship” to make a story out of it.

  2. The only thing missing from the story is the fact that they voted for Obama.

    Love the nose piercing and ear plugs that screme “DON’T HIRE ME!”.

  3. I vote hoax and yes, she has an annoying voice. Also what is with the word “shtronger” from the reporterette? Is she trying to emulate Michelle Obama?

  4. That was so creepy and uncalled for. Was it completely necessary to talk that much about what they were doing? How about just say some guy came into their apartment? I certainly didn’t want to know those trogladykes were eating at the Y. Wasn’t the quick shot of these two “courageous” lesbians holding hands just soooo important? I need some eye bleach to get that out of my head.

  5. Must’ve been a slow news day in Santa Fe. The perp was probably thinking, “What the hell is all that caterwauling upstairs??? I’m trying to sleep!” Then storms upstairs and instead sees a guy having sex with his girlfriend and says to himself, “Bonus! Oh. Ohhhhhhhh.”

  6. Pretty close to porn passing for local news. Putting the concept out there of watching two women being intimate is going to appeal to quite a few people in the view audience (even if its these two).

    Did they impress you as particularly in love and dedicated to each other or just depressed, low self esteem, self loathing and hunger for human contact?

  7. Every indication, based on appearances, is that these two are just looking for attention. They lack what it takes to do something of value and do it well enough to get positive attention so they put discs the size of a snoose can in their ear lobes and plaster themselves with skank tattoos in an attempt to get attention. My inclination would be that they cooked up this story to get attention without making any effort.

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