Q & A With Bret Baier – IOTW Report

Q & A With Bret Baier

The Fox News Special Report anchor, Bret Baier, appeared this weekend on C-SPAN’s Q & A to discuss his new book Special Heart.  Mr. Baier is making the rounds right now to promote this book about his son Paul, who faces his fourth surgery to correct congenital heart defects.

You probably won’t see a more honest (less emotional wringing) interview  here



3 Comments on Q & A With Bret Baier

  1. Saw him on Megyn Kelly’s show tonight – very moving interview. Even more so for me, as my wife and I have a daughter who was born with two congenital heart defects and went through the same gut wrenching emotions. I plan to purchase his book.

  2. @Brad – She was born Thanksgiving morning 1991 – Transposition of the Great Arteries and VSD – I will never forget the phone call from my wife breaking the news.

    First open heart a month later, a second and a third and several other procedures by age 10. She has lived a normal life since then – even played High School volleyball.

    She just had her fourth open heart surgery three weeks ago to replace some “parts”, and is home and recovering well. She should be good for many more years to come.

    We are blessed to have a top pediatric cardiac surgical facility in Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital.

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