16 Year-Old Nails Nancy Pelosi – Captured on Video – IOTW Report

16 Year-Old Nails Nancy Pelosi – Captured on Video

16 year-old Andrew Demeter of Cleveland, Ohio confronted House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on why she supports the NSA’s unconstitutional metadata collection activities. The results are awkward and fantastic.
article here

25 Comments on 16 Year-Old Nails Nancy Pelosi – Captured on Video

  1. Since it was a child putting her on the spot, she couldn’t use the race card (her default argument). She’s utterly helpless without it. She looked like a deer tick with tourette syndrome.

  2. This young man is my hero!
    The short blazered girl gets the brown shirt award.

    Someone tried to interupt but andrew, in spartan fashion, plunged forward.


  3. What an incomprehensible foll/tool statist. Waving her hand around like some find jack-in-the-box spring- loaded clown.

    And the twit-in-training behind the rest, nodding like a future bobble-head Libtard.

    God please help us find mor Andrews.

  4. I don’t support the NSA. Check.
    I do support the NSA. Check.
    Give the NSA an out to collect data on US citizens. Check.
    An appropriate resolution would be okay though. Check.
    (But the democrats get to define appropriate. Check.)
    The NSA does all kinds of necessary things. Check.
    But they’re liars. Check.
    Blame Bush. Check.
    But not Obama. Check.
    Spend trillions we don’t have and give the unborn future generations the…Check.

  5. @moetom

    Si! What i love about this clip is that of the five
    1. Was the wise latina bobblehead in her mom’s blazer
    2. Was the zoned out blonde who wished she was at coachella
    3. Was the indian who missed out on the spelling bee earlier in the week.
    4. Was the class clown/ jock smiling at who knows who.

    This reminds me of the minority that fought king george. 20 percent? And the rest didn’t make waves. Most telling.

  6. “After 9/11 on, the Bush Administration went too far…on all of these things, and…uh..we have a correspondence back and forth to prove – or to demonstrate – that…they were just doing the right thing…”

    So which is it? Went too far or doing the right thing?

    It’s hard to talk off script to a youth isn’t it? You can’t thoroughly lie and demogogue – all you can do is get tongue-tied and speak in circles.

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