Edited Footage of Bowe Bergdahl Exchange in Afghanistan – IOTW Report

Edited Footage of Bowe Bergdahl Exchange in Afghanistan

16 Comments on Edited Footage of Bowe Bergdahl Exchange in Afghanistan

  1. With the iOTW logo appearing on the screen, I kept waiting for the punch line – like a body being pushed out of the chopper while in flight – unless that “Pop Goes The Weasel” sounding arabic chant at the end was a farce.

    So, as you mentioned in the previous post, I noticed that the deserter’s grave health issues were nowhere to be seen. He talked, he walked, and he climbed on board the copter perfectly fine.

    Once again, Baaaaarry, you got some splainin to do.

    And Bagh Dad, did our soldiers greet your son in Poshto, since he “forgot” how to speak English?

    If this doesn’t piss off enough democraps in the media and congress who are not hardline marxist statist moslem sympathizers, and who have even a sliver of decency in them, I don’t know what will.

    This is not going to end well for the regime and it’s adherents in office.

  2. I was wondering if you ever considered changing the structure of your website?

    Its very well written; I love what youve got to say.

    But maybe you could a little more in the way of content so people could connect
    with it better. Youve got an awful lot of text for only having 1 or 2 pictures.
    Maybe you could space it out better?

  3. Even the most ardent Obama supporter has to see this traitorous jackhole for the muzzie loving bastrd he is.

    Now will my military do their duty and remove him from office by force?

  4. Navy SEALs know a “Rat” when they see one. Watch the SEAL frisk Bergdal for s suicide vest at first contact. Then they continue to frisk him all the way to the helicopter when he is patted down again. Great job by the SEALs !

  5. @Txn4Evr, I’ve been having the same thoughts. How difficult would it be for Mech/Inf Division (armed to the teeth) to drive into DC and start gathering up the traitors. And since they ave coluded with the enemy, they are INDEED, traitors. The trials would make Nurenberg pale by comparison.

  6. If you approach every Obama statement with the understanding that everything he says is a lie you will never be confused about what is happening.

    Everything is the exact opposite of what he says. We have foundationally different interpretations of the meanings of words and their import.

  7. It’s not out of the question that he could have had health problems at some point in time. He looks like a sickly piece of shit in some of those Tali-gram photos

    Afghanistan, you may be surprised to learn, is a desicated shit hole — and I mean literally. People shit in slit trenches, the stuff dries up and get blown in the air. You inhale the stuff and you can get hepatitis, tuberculosis, and a host of other fun stuff.

    This is a little known fact, Ed, but this caused a health crisis in the USSR 30 years ago. Troops returning from Afghanistan brought TB back with them and spread it into the general populace; one of the main reasons the USSR pulled out

    When you deploy to certain mostly Middle Eastern shit holes, you get a whole host of immunization shots including one that makes your ass sore for about 24 hours. These will wear out over the course of a year or so, and if you don’t get boosters …. But then again, that’s the price you pay for wanting to discover your authentic inner Pashtun

  8. Interesting piece on a site called Bouhammer supporting the idea that he joined the Taliban and had been seen shopping unescorted in some villages.

    Also, that he went AWOL once before and was a flight risk.

    Another 1st hand account from the ground in support of execution.

  9. “If this doesn’t piss off enough democraps in the media and congress who are not hardline marxist statist moslem sympathizers, and who have even a sliver of decency in them”

    There is no such creature in all the land.

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