Barack Obama Exercising – IOTW Report

Barack Obama Exercising

This Can’t Be What  Moose Means By Let’s Move?

I’ve never been more ashamed of my country. A man took secret video of Obama exercising in a hotel gym in Poland.

I’ve isolated my favorite part and gave it a little soundtrack. You can suggest your own in the comments and I’ll put up some recuts tonight.

HT/ Brad

120 Comments on Barack Obama Exercising

  1. Exercise is SO 20th Century. He should eat what Moose puts out and take a pill for 21st Century engineering. Did this camera operator catch Lurch too? He’s there. Poland’s residents probably chased him out with pitchforks and torches. Li’l O in a Big World and over his head with reality.

  2. Sorry to ruin the party, but I’m calling bullshit on this one. Do you mean to tell me that the Secret Service would allow anyone else in the gym while Obama was “exercising?” I would 4hink they’d clear the place out. And if not, that the guy wouldn’t have been patted down for weapons, which would have revealed the camera?

  3. I knew you’d kill it, and you did. How about looping that section where he doing the funky chicken with the 7lb girl weights and playing Super Freak.
    As an American this is embarrassing.

  4. To The Fairies They Draw Near, from Tinker Bell:

    Come away with me now to the sky
    Up all the hills and the sea
    Far beyond where memories lie
    To a place where I’M FREE TO BE ME

  5. Oh, Fur. Thank you for this!! My best friend is in the hospital suffering through another round of chemo. She is unable to eat and it has been so hard to see her so sick. I needed something to make me laugh. And you friggin’ nailed it!

    And, seriously, he grimaces curling those wee little free weights?! I can curl twice that size and I’m a girl. What a puss.

  6. Almost too many good ones to keep track of. Excellent stuff.

    The weight room video I WANT to see is the one with him wearing orange, inside the Federal Facility at Canon City. He might not be so perky after HE gets to play “Reggie” to half the inmate population.

  7. BWAHAHAHA!!!!!

    See. Nothing to be afraid of here people! LOL!

    Have his grimace lifting those toothpicks on a continuous loop with the song “Butterfly Kisses” playing BigFurHat. My two cents.

  8. The ring thing is BS. My ring finger is way longer than my index. And I can prove I had 2 kids. I still say it’s a hermaphrodite. Any pics of it pregnant? I didn’t think so.

  9. This is not the whole video. Seriously. There is a longer another one circulating.

    You should see the scene where he gets to his kegel exercises.

    And to think, he carries our launch codes in his purse next to his tampons. Talk about a Code Red.

  10. Hilarious! The minute I saw the video of Barry “exercising”, I knew it would get the appropriate IOTW treatment it deserves.
    Putin has probably been laughing at this farce all day.

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