Bill Suspends Aid to Central America, Mexico Until Flood of Illegal Immigration Stops – IOTW Report

Bill Suspends Aid to Central America, Mexico Until Flood of Illegal Immigration Stops

Big Government

A Texas Republican says he has a solution to mitigate the flood of unaccompanied illegal immigrant minors across the southern border.

Rep. Randy Weber introduced a bill Monday to hold Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador “accountable” for their citizens’ illegal migration by suspending foreign aid to those countries.

“The recent influx of Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) has become a humanitarian crisis and has proven that certain laws are working against the United States of America,” Weber said Monday. “Texas, a border state, has repeatedly asked for help from the White House to mobilize our National Guard, and there has been no answer from the President or his administration.”



14 Comments on Bill Suspends Aid to Central America, Mexico Until Flood of Illegal Immigration Stops

  1. Norman, you said it. WTF?

    Foreign aid might have been useful to the interests of the U.S. at some point in time, but it has to be used by an ethical U.S. gov, not the what we have now.

  2. They need to be sending us money, we are the ones with the unsustainable debt. We are the ones taking their poorest citizens. 17 trillion in debt and we are giving money away!?! How the fuck could ANYONE justify that?


  3. damn what a timely response – longer than a dog-killing cop.

    what, did ya have to eat an ENTIRE TRUCKLOAD of donuts BEFORE you could figure out a proper response – THE RULE OF LAW, FOR THE PEOPLE ??

  4. I am so sick of this shit! if we do not have secure borders, we are not a sovereign nation!!!
    the federal government’s main purpose for being an entity is to make sure that our borders are secure from foreign invasion.
    If they are not doing that there is no reason to have a federal government. the states can take care of all these petty legislative, bureaucratic, bills and other bullshit that they have convinced the populace is so necessary.

    “Eww, the Congress is so divided we just can’t get anything past…”

    GOOD!!! Each time they past a piece of legislation a piece of our liberty get thrown down the money hole. I would challenge you to name ONE piece of legislation that promotes individual freedom.

  5. Perry and Brewer need to “man-up” and return all the rat-people to rat-land and quit fucking around.

    Tell Obama to fuck hisself. Tell Holder to fuck hisself.

    Seal the border yourselves and declare an emergency.

    Invoke the 10th. Dare them to send troops.

    Symbolic gesturing is for mimes and bone-heads.

  6. When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which connected them to another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the seperate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature, and of Nature’s God entitle them…
    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal… endowed by the Creator with… Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.- That to secure these rights, GOVERNMENTS ARE INSTITUTED AMONG MEN, DERIVING THEIR JUST POWERS from the CONSENT OF the governed!
    That whenever any form of govt becomes as blatantly hostile, willfully destructive, flagrantly treasonous and defiant, as well as “Literally” an imminent danger to the existence of the and the lives of the citizenry, EGGFUCKINGZACTLY like the deceptive enemy infiltrator who continues even now to engage in a coup D’etat, is “Fundamentally Transforming the very nature of our existence…

    I say Fuck Him! He can implement any “executive order” he wants to… He just can’t be allowed to do it in OUR country anymore! We need to just go on and bounce him onto a homemade raft headed anywhere but here!!!

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